Appliances Kitchens

Smeg Combi Steam Oven

Good news anyone who has ever had the unfortunate experience of having to eat food I have prepared in an oven – next time it won’t be so dry and look like a small meteor that entered the earth’s atmosphere. I kid, of course, because I’m not stupid enough to let anyone other than myself (and sometimes poor Jen) eat the creations I come up with that need to be baked.

Smeg Combi Steam Oven

Smeg is the reason I can make such large claims because it has just launched the Combi Steam Oven. Put simply, it’s an oven that is not just your conventional convection (fan forced) affair, but it also comes with steam function. There is still the traditional fan grill, static grill and fan forced options, but you can also use the steam function alone or in tandem with the traditional methods for a more gentle cooking method that will also save power.

Appliances Kitchens

Beko enlists architect and designer Patricia Urquiola for Cast line

The kitchen just got a little bit more stylish with the news that Beko has partnered with architect and designer Patricia Urquiola to create the Beko Cast line. The Urquiola name may put the same expression on your face as someone asking you the square root of pi (it’s 1.772453851 by the way) but think BMW, Alessi, Louis Vuitton and Kartell as she has added her design touches to products for all of those brands as well. Some of her work is even in MoMA.

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With Beko, Urquiola has created some pretty stylish items that would go well in most modern kitchens. There are six appliances in the range all around the cooktop and oven category. Each appliance uses simplicity as the cornerstone for the design and then adds touches of modernism such as tinted glass doors without handles or simple stainless steel or cast iron elements for emphasis.