Art Interviews The Block

2017 Blockheads Hannah & Clint debut art print range

Drawing inspiration from the latest fashion and home décor trends, former Blockheads Hannah and Clint Amos have debuted their first art print range in collaboration with Melbourne based artwork retailer Artist Lane. The ‘Hannah & Clint collection’ is comprised of 30 pieces that were curated by the couple and features the work of emerging artists Fern Siebler, Maggi McDonald and Renee Tohl.

Clint and Hannah with their favourite piece from the collection, 'Make me blush'
Clint and Hannah with their favourite piece from the collection, ‘Make me blush’ by Fern Siebler

“We were fortunate enough to use some Artist Lane pieces in a few challenges and room reveals on The Block. When they reached out to see if we might be interested in collaborating, I just couldn’t say no. We were able to take full creative control over the artists and the photographic prints that we selected,” says Hannah who starred in last year’s season of the reality show.

Hannah with pieces from the range
Hannah with pieces from the range

“We sat down with Artist Lane and discussed artists and trends that we would like to see in the collection. The collection features an array of categories including art from three amazing artists, Fern Siebler, Maggi McDonald, and Renne Tohl, and beautiful on-trend photography. We knew the only way this would work is if we personally selected each piece. It was important to us that the collection tells a story. From there it was really just a process of elimination.”

Hannah Amos
Hannah with another of her favourites from the collection

“Comprised of photography and artwork, the collection has an underlying theme of soft blush tones with a handful of bold statement pieces to round it out. We love all 30 pieces! And they all serve different purposes depending on where and how you style them in your home or office. They all provoke your emotions in different ways but if we had to pick one hero piece it would be ‘Make Me Blush’ by Fern Siebler. Her signature use of watercolour with metallics add depth and movement to every piece she commits to.”

Hannah & Clint
Clint and Hannah styling a piece from the range

Photography: Joe Vittorio

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By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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