Appliances Expert Tips

8 ways to save energy and money in the laundry

Laundry appliances can add up to roughly 10% of an average Australian household’s energy bill. But you can save energy — and in turn money — by following these 8 expert tips from The Good Guys.

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Samsung 10kg Washer, 8kg Dryer
  1. When buying washing machines, look out for the Energy Star Rating label. This will give you an idea of how energy efficient your chosen appliance is.
  2. Based on the Energy Star Rating label system, each machine is given a score out of 10, while the actual consumption figure – usually measured in kilowatt-hours per year – should give you an idea of how much power the product uses.
  3. When it comes to water efficiency, Australia’s Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) is used to rate how much water a washing machine gets through in one cycle. Models are graded between zero and six stars for efficiency, the higher the number of stars, the more environmentally friendly the product is.
  4. Size is an important factor to consider when purchasing a washing machine. An average washing machine will have a capacity of around 6 to 7kg which should be enough for a typical family of four.
  5. Opt for a smaller model if there are fewer people in your household – but remember that washing machines last a number of years, so you may want to plan ahead if you expect your family to get bigger.
  6. Don’t get sucked in by the price of a smaller model. If you’re using it twice as much, it’s false economy and it will actually cost you more in the long run.
  7. Use cold water in your washing machine whenever possible and only use your washing machine when it has a full load.
  8. Old washing machines tend to be less energy and water efficient so you may want to consider upgrading your machine in order to be more energy efficient.
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LG 8kg Front Load Washer

– For more information on The Good Guys products and expert advice visit their website here

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