Art Homewares

Amazing woven wall hangings by Sydney sisters Crossing Threads

Looking at their impressive work, it’s hard to believe Sydney sisters Lauren and Kassandra Hernandez, otherwise known as Crossing Threads, only started weaving last year! Inspired by nature, their highly textured wall hangings are created using a variety of upcycled fabrics and yarns including linen, calico, Pima cotton, alpaca wool, cotton roping, sisal roping, bamboo, merino roving and silk.


“Our work is highly organic, raw, abundant and overloaded with texture. We love to work with neutrals exploring various textures and yarns of similar tones. Each piece is tactile, lush and has a whimsical bohemian feel, while also being an extension of mother nature,” says Lauren, who finds plenty of creative inspiration in her home town.


“Living in Sydney, we have access to the amazing sandstone coastline with its stunning rock formations and organic lines. There are so many amazing bushwalks and lookouts nearby – we aim to get a dose of the outdoors weekly. The beautiful textures of eucalyptus gum trees continue to mesmerise us as do the tangled roots of the many majestic trees found in Surry Hills, Centennial Park and Nielsen Park. These are just some of our favourite locations we love to visit and get inspired,” says Lauren.

The sisters’ newly developed ‘interknot’ technique also allows them to weave a variety of unexpected finds into their works too. “Distinguished by the layering and intertwining of hand knotted chains in a graduating direction, we have integrated found objects such as gemstones, seas shells and trinkets creating a unique aesthetic,” says Lauren.


Largely self-taught, the sisters only started weaving after attending a tapestry workshop at Sydney store Koskela, in early 2015. “Since the workshop, we have been self-taught and through trial and error we have experimented to get where we are today. We never thought this hobby-turned-passion project and now business would be something we would continue to pursue and enjoy. It truly is rewarding!”


And with handmade wares currently enjoying the limelight, Crossing Threads is perfectly positioned to capitalise on the trend. “With the home decor market saturated with designer knock-offs and same-same-but-different pieces, we can see why people are looking for alternatives that are one of a kind and embody a unique character. People are recognising the value of handmade and the craftsmanship and effort poured into each piece, and they are also willing to pay for it. We believe this trend will endure because people connect with these pieces – they may either evoke a sense of nostalgia, admiration for traditional culture or simply the human connection that a piece has been created by someone’s bare hands,” says Lauren.

And speaking of hands, the sisters certainly have theirs full between running the business while juggling full-time jobs in advertising (Lauren) and the financial services industry (Kassandra).

Prices start at around $200. Shop online.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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