
Can tiled floors really work for Winter?

Can tiled floors really work for winter? Yes, if you know a few tricks of the trade! When you’re considering floor covering for our temperate Aussie climate, tiles are often on the table as a consideration. The cooler months however can pose a challenge for tiled floor enthusiasts, especially in the southern states. Cold Autumn and Winter temperatures however don’t have to be a problem with an under tile heating system.

Can tiled floors really work for Winter?

Image source: Snow Temp

Under-tile heating is the perfect winter warmer right throughout the house. It keeps a tiled room warmer for longer than other heating solutions, and while it used to be considered a luxury add on, it’s now a budget friendly option with running costs about a quarter of a heat lamp over a year.[i]

“Under-tile heating a large family room will have an upfront cost of about $1200 to $1600 – but the system will pay for itself in energy savings,” says Darcy Shaw, National Buyer, Bathroom ware from Beaumont Tiles. “Not only is it good for the hip pocket, but is a good option for reducing household energy consumption. “It also creates a drier environment by radiating heat to all solid objects and the air is warmed by convection. This means a room stays warm long after the system is turned it off unlike regular heaters where the heat dissipates quickly. “The system is child-safe with no exposed heaters so little fingers won’t get burnt, and for the many families who suffer allergies, under-tile heating is a saviour because it actually prevents mould from building up,” Mr Shaw said.

Concerned about the noise factor? Under-tile heating is silent and there’s no wall space or roof cavity required which means minimal impact on a room design.  A touch screen wall thermostat makes it simple to use and enables programming 24/7. Each installation is specifically configured  for a particular room so there’s no cold spots, and on average the running costs are as little as 2c an hour per square metre.[ii] A bathroom kit is around $499, and for a large family room it’s about $1200-$1600.

Beaumont sells the Hotwire system, a 3mm thick, spooled electric heating element installed directly under tiles, granite, marble or slate, not in the slab, and with no need to lay any extra expansion joints.“The system heats a room to a cozy 22 degrees and doesn’t need maintenance. In the unlikely event of a cable fault, the damage is easy to find and fixing it doesn’t require ripping up the floor,” Mr Shaw said.

If you’re considering taking the plunge with your reno, check out Beaumont Tiles at

[i] The comparisons are based on a 4 bulb Heat Lamp unit at 375 watts per bulb. Hotwire costs based on a 600 watt element heating at full capacity for I hour and then cycling at 50% capacity for the next 2 hours. Running costs are an estimate only and will vary due to site conditions.

[ii] Running costs will be effected by electricity tariffs.

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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