Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT Styling

3 easy ways to make your front door pop

Does your home have ‘front door appeal’? You’ve heard of ‘kerb appeal‘, now welcome to the plate the even more niche-specific concept that looks at how your front door impacts on the overall first impression given by your home. Fans of the 90’s film ‘Notting Hill’ will remember the iconic ‘blue front door’ for the same reason that front door aficionados wax lyrical about its importance; it helps create visual impact and allows a property to stand out from the rest of the pack.

Overall kerb appeal is one of the most important factors to consider when renovating, especially if  you’re renovating to increase your return on investment. First impressions count and placing focus and funds on something that can be easily updated is a savvy move for renovators. Updating your front facade is also a cost-effective way to modernise and freshen the exterior of your home.

Here are 3 key points to remember when choosing or updating your front door.

3 easy ways to make your front door pop

1. Choose colour where you can – A brightly coloured front door can add a splash of colour and vibrancy to an otherwise understated colour scheme.

3 easy ways to make your front door popImage source: DIY Network

2. Intricate details make all the difference – Interesting or ornate knobs and handles can make all the difference between a bog standard front door and something much more eye catching.

3 easy ways to make your front door popImage source: Katrina Lee Chambers

3. Frame things properly – Think about what surrounds your front door and how it can be made to suit or match your front door.

3 easy ways to make your front door popImage source: Architecture Art Designs

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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