Expert Tips Furniture

Finding the perfect window treatment for sliding doors

By Jayde Ferguson

Mastering the look and feel of your home doesn’t mean you need a degree in interior design. It’s about understanding the simple changes that can refresh a dull looking space into one that is comfortable and inviting. As far as interior design elements go, window treatments are one of the easiest to implement in your home – and they don’t always have to cost you a fortune either.

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Source: Houzz

There’s absolutely no denying the beauty of glass sliding doors. These days, many homeowners desire the opportunity to merge the outside world with indoors and contemporary glass allows this by visually connecting us with the vibrant surroundings. Unfortunately though, large panels of glass don’t come with privacy and temperature control, so a functional and appealing window treatment is important. Below, we check out the essentials tips to consider and what style will suit your needs best.

1. Function vs. Fashion

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Source: Houzz

Before determining the right window dressing for your sliding doors, it’s important you identify your main concerns. Sliding doors are beneficial for letting a large supply of natural light into a room and offering quick and easy access from indoors to outdoors. Whilst this can be nice at times, it’s ideal to find window treatments that allow full control over the amount of light that enters the room and allows you to step in and out through the sliding doors with ease.

For some homeowners, the visual appeal of window treatments for sliding doors can be a big selling point. You want something that will complement your existing decor and bring life to the space, but is it functional too? Your choice of window treatments shouldn’t hinder the usefulness of the sliding door, rather it should look appealing, be convenient to use and meet your needs.

2. Material Selection

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Source: Houzz

There is a huge variety of choices when it comes to the fabric material of your window treatments. Sliding doors aren’t just limited to standard vertical blinds so let your imagination run wild and get inspired by something that can offer your space that ‘wow’ factor. Materials can be patterned, textured and loaded with colour or simplified and neutral. When selecting your material, keep in mind what your main concerns are – this could simply be the appearance to change the dynamics of the room or much-needed privacy, natural light and temperature control.

Regardless of what window treatment you choose for your sliding doors, there’s a good variety of materials available to help you achieve the best look possible, without sacrificing function. To assist in deciding what fabric you should use, consider the room and its purpose. If the room is small, Panel Glide Blinds are an ideal option because of slim retractable mechanisms. These styles of blinds are specifically designed to retract to the side when opened whilst staying flat to offer a sleek and convenient appeal. They are also ideal for larger sliding doors without overpowering the room’s current decor and design.

For homeowners that are after something a little more elegant and dressed up, Roman Blinds combine the luxurious appeal of curtains with the smartly designed mechanisms of blinds. One of the biggest advantages of these styles is their versatility, making them look stunning in any space. Roman Blinds are made from thicker material so they’re beneficial for homeowners wanting the best of both worlds – privacy control and a sophisticated look that can be matched with almost all decor styles.

3. Temperature Control

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Source: Houzz

For most homes, temperature control is a big priority – especially for those in Australia subjected to the harsh summer sun. One of the greatest benefits of window treatments is their ability to help control the temperature in your home, resulting in better comfort and lower utility bills. As sliding doors let in a lot of natural light, it’s important to select a style and material choice that can keep your home cool in summer and warmer in winter.

UV rays aren’t just damaging to your skin, they also contribute to your furniture and floors fading inside if you don’t have adequate protection on your windows. The best window treatment for sliding doors to help avoid sun damage and maximise energy-efficiency are Roman Blinds because their thicker material options are effective in maintaining a regular room temperature. Roman Blinds can be available in blockout fabrics for extra protection or sunscreen materials which allow light to enter the room without the harmful UV rays and heat or jeopardising those outdoor views.

Both Roller Blinds and Panel Glide Blinds can provide a well-balanced combination of temperature control and contemporary design to boost the ambience of any space. Roller Blinds are also ideal for small spaces as they are simple without excess fabrics getting in the way. For especially sunny locations or to really dim down the flood of natural light through your sliding doors, opt for a higher level of material transparency to accommodate your needs. Like with the other styles of blinds, sunscreen fabric and blockout fabric is available for the ultimate protection.

4. Shroud of Privacy

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Source: Houzz

Sliding doors make for a stunning interior design feature with their visual connections to the outside world but their biggest disadvantage is lack of privacy. And unless you live on a super large block with no prying eyes in sight, this can be a complete pain. This is where the right window treatments come in handy.

Especially for rooms like the bedroom and bathroom, maintaining an adequate level of privacy is essential for many homeowners. Blinds are a simple window solution that allows you to have unabated views of the outside scenery in an instant – when you want. For the best control of privacy opt for materials that are dark and solid in colour. Blockout fabrics are ideal too and offer a complete back out in space – perfect for shift workers that rely on sleep during the day and homeowners that seek a higher level of privacy and temperature control.

– Jayde Ferguson writes for Super Blinds Mart – an online store offering a variety of custom and ready-made blinds to suit any sliding door. 

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