Designers Furniture Homewares Interviews

Gorgeous vintage styled lighting used by Sibella Court, Jamie Oliver and The Grounds

Sponsored by Barn Light Australia

Lighting has to be one of my all-time favourite things. The fact that I live in an apartment with the most horrendous downlights I’ve ever seen actually causes me distress (first world problems, I know!). But what this does mean, is when I find good lights, I take note!

The Grounds of Alexandria
The Grounds of Alexandria

Enter Barn Light Australia, a business creating gorgeous vintage-styled lighting. Started in 2013, they are the first offshore venture of Barn Light Electric (based in the USA), who specialise in vintage light fixtures made from the highest quality materials.

Barn Lights at the Society Inc Warehouse. Photo by Jacqui Turk
The Society Inc
Lights at Sibella Court’s The Society Inc

Run by Jesse-Lee Stringer, he originally worked for the USA business before deciding to return home to Australia. And with Australia being Barn Light Electric’s second largest export market, opening shop here didn’t seem like a bad idea. “I worked for Barn Light USA from 2008 through to 2012 as their ecommerce strategist and web developer,” explains Jesse-Lee. “However, once my wife and I had our first son in Florida, we decided to come back home. My boss didn’t want me to up and leave and decided that I’d be a commendable business partner for their first offshore venture. We signed the paperwork and Barn Light Australia was formed.”

Pressed Earth Juices
Barn Lights at Pressed Earth Juices

With the Australian entity now working towards becoming self-sufficient, their products are a mix of Australian-made lighting and US imports. They also specialise in custom-made light fixtures and their list of clients is very impressive! “We imported custom light fixtures from the US for The Grounds of Alexandria, we provided custom goosenecks for Jamie Oliver’s soon to open Parramatta restaurant, we had custom pendants made for Northbridge Brewing Company and we just finished working with Nando’s Elizabeth Street.” Cool customers indeed!

Nando’s Elizabeth Street. Image credit: Faculty Design
Northbridge Brewing Company
Northbridge Brewing Company

But when it comes to his favourite project, Jesse-Lee is quick to name stylist Sibella Court’s new St Peters warehouse, The Society Inc. “Sibella Court was the first person to walk into our Barn Light factory and tell us what she wanted. Normally we have emails saying, ‘We want this, can you make something similar?’ Whereas for her, what we made was completely custom. It was a better project for us as we got to use different colours and finishes that we hadn’t used before. It was also a very proud moment, as we got to see our lights up in her warehouse.”

Lighting at Sibella’s Society Inc Warehouse. Photo by Jacqui Turk
The Society Inc

With a vast array of lighting on offer, everything from pendants and goosenecks to stems and sconces (available in a magnitude of powdercoat finishes), vintage fanatics are sure to find something they love. And to make the lights even more appealing, Barn Light Australia are offering Interiors Addicts a 10% discount off everything (excluding fans)! Discount code: theinteriorsaddict.

Shop online.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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