Guest Post Guidelines

Interiors Addict does accept guest posts from carefully chosen contributors who can share their interiors-related expertise with our readers and offer them valuable content. They should never be seen as a way to fill a post with back links or sell a product. Likewise, we do not treat guest posts as a way to get free content. Jen respects her readers and is picky!


What we’re looking for: Quality, expert opinion from people in the interiors industry. Top tips and how-to advice is always popular. Jen is particularly interested to receive content that falls outside of her own areas of expertise, hence adding something new to the site. A sense of humour and writing with personality is encouraged! Content must be relevant and local, so any services or products mentioned must be available to the majority of our readers who live in Australia. Overseas contributors will be considered if their advice is equally relevant to Australians.

What we definitely do not want: Guest posts submitted by agencies only interested in linking to their clients’ websites.

Submit your idea

Please submit your proposed guest post idea for consideration in the first instance to [email protected] with ‘guest post’ in the subject line.

How to send your words and pictures

If Jen gives the go ahead for your guest post, it should be no more than 500 words long and submitted as a Word document along with images you own or have obtained permission to use for this specific purpose, with the necessary credits and captions (for extra brownie points, please do this in Georgia 11pt font). This is best done via Dropbox. Please send web resolution images as jpegs.


You will receive a signoff blurb explaining who you are and what you do at the end. This can include a link to your blog or website. You should include all this info in your Word document. You will also receive a byline at the beginning of the post.

Social media

It is likely your guest post will be shared on at least one of our social media networks so please also include details of your Facebook, Twitter etc, if applicable.

Editorial control

We reserve the right to edit your copy at our discretion and you will not be able to see the edited version before it is published. We will endeavour to let you know when we are using your post but this is not always possible due to time constraints so please keep as eye out if we’ve told you we are definitely using something.

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