
House Rules’ retro restoration house reveal

The teams took a step back in time this week to give Cassie and Matt’s Hobart home a modern 60s vibe. The gruelling week saw relationships and friendships tested, but overall the couples succeeded, giving the home a much-needed stylish revamp.

So what did team Tassie and judges Wendy Moore and Joe Snell think?

Ben and Danielle – 24/30

Before - Master Bedroom
Before – Master Bedroom
After - Master Bedroom
After – Master Bedroom

Queensland’s Ben and Danielle clocked up their second win this series, walking away with 24 points for their massive zone. Their master bedroom was the highlight. “The raked ceiling gave the space majesty and the plywood wall earthed the wall and was a great nod to the 60s,” said judge Joe Snell. The newlyweds took a risk in the laundry with their bright pink flamingo splashback, but the gamble paid off with the homeowners. “The laundry was so fun and it really worked,” said Cassie.

Bronik and Corrine – 23/30

Before - Kitchen
Before – Kitchen
After - Kitchen
After – Kitchen

Victoria’s Bronik and Corrine bounced back to second place on 23 points. Judge Wendy Moore said their kitchen showed real potential: “I’m so glad that you went really simple with the basics.” The homeowners loved the study which nailed the house rule request to bring a “surfie feel” to the space. “That study was awesome,” said Cassie. “We were so happy you repurposed that glass sliding door and it was so light in there.”

Steve and Tiana – 21/30

Before - Ensuite
Before – Ensuite
After - Ensuite
After – Ensuite

NSW and SA tied for third place on 21 points. After a week in the tent, Steve and Tiana came back strong with their ensuite. “I absolutely loved the mid-century cabinet that you converted into a vanity,” said Wendy. Cassie and Matt were equally impressed. “I walked in and went, ‘Wow!’ This is exactly what we would have done,” said Matt. However, their living room was hit and miss. “Nothing felt quite right together,” said Wendy.

Ryan and Marlee – 21/30

Before - Guest Bedroom
Before – Guest Bedroom
After - Guest Bedroom
After – Guest Bedroom

Ryan and Marlee’s guest bedroom and deck was a massive hit with the homeowners who awarded them their highest score – nine points. “That deck – how can I put into words – absolutely mind-blowing,” said Matt. “I absolutely loved that deck.” Cassie and Matt requested a nautical themed guest bedroom and the SA couple definitely delivered. “Creating a sophisticated nautical theme needed a really good eye,” said Wendy. “I loved the paneling you added to the wall and ceiling. And the addition of those wooden rafters with those high, raked ceilings made for some beautiful bones.”

Brian and Karina – 16/30

Before - Dining
Before – Dining
After - Dining
After – Dining

WA’s Brian and Karina were relegated to last place for the second time this series on 16 points. The styling in their dining room let them down. “You chose the perfect dining table, unfortunately it was impossible to see under the mass of accessories,” said Wendy. The bathroom also fell short. While the judges and homeowners applauded the layout, the accessories cost them points. “You got lost in a collision of bling,” said Joe.

This week the teams are in Western Australia for the final interior renovation, where they will attempt to turn Karina and Brian’s “old lady” into a queen of the desert. House Rules airs Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm with a new house reveal each week on Sunday at 7:00pm.

For more on House Rules.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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