
Pot plant delivery: the alternative to fresh flowers!

Given the success of same-day online flower delivery services and the continued popularity of indoor greenery, it makes sense that someone would transfer the concept to pots and plants. The Huffington Post recently reported on research that reveals that indoor plants are wildly popular with millennials – evidently humans have a need to nurture and if we don’t have children or pets, plants are the next best thing! They’re also a relatively cheap way to brighten up apartments. Anyhow, I digress…

Devil's ivy

Based in Sydney (with a view to expanding into Brisbane and Melbourne soon), Leaf Supply was launched in late 2016 by Lauren Camilleri and Sophia Kaplan. “Both Lauren and myself saw a gap in the market for an accessible, interesting and beautifully curated indoor plant delivery service. We were always wanting to send plants as gifts ourselves and were frustrated at the lack of availability of such a service. We both love plants with a passion and wanted to share the happiness they bring to the world! We know that some people are nervous about owning plants so another goal is to build a community of confident plant owners,” says Sophia.

Leaf Supply's Sophia Kaplan and Lauren Camilleri
Leaf Supply’s Sophia Kaplan and Lauren Camilleri

Delivering Monday to Friday (same-day for orders placed before 11am) to most Sydney suburbs within 15 kilometres of the CBD, Leaf Supply deliver potted plants with care cards and are on hand to answer any customer questions too. “Each month we hand-select three new plants and match them with three pots – a calico wrap, standard pot and handmade ceramic planter,” says Sophia.

Leaf Supply's gorgeous pots

“Plants just aren’t being presented in a beautiful and approachable way – people can be overwhelmed by the choice and then afraid of investing in a plant they’re not confident in keeping alive. We take the guesswork out of plant care by sourcing plants suited for the indoors,” says Lauren.

Leaf Supply book
Leaf Supply has a book in the works too

With a background in advertising, Sophia turned to plants after longing for a greater connection to nature. “As well as Leaf Supply, I run my namesake floral styling business Sophia Kaplan Plants & Flowers. Personally, my homes have always been filled with house plants and I believe hugely in the therapeutic power of gardens, both indoor and out,” says Sophia.

Leaf Supply studio
The Leaf Supply studio

“According to a 1989 NASA Clean Air Study, a lot of indoor plants provide a natural way of removing common household toxins from the air. There is also evidence that plants improve productivity and I’ve personally found that the act of caring for plants has a nurturing and therapeutic effect on our wellbeing. Plants are also just so beautiful and intriguing. They are an easy and super stylistic addition to any home or workplace. Greening gets addictive!” says Sophia.

A ‘Lipstick’ plant

The other co-founder Lauren has a magazine background (specifically art direction and design). “She is the design wiz behind all the great branding we have here,” says Sophia. In addition, the company welcomed a third team member recently, Ariella Werner-Seidler, who comes with a business background but has always had a passion for plants and has grown them for food too.

Excitingly, Leaf Supply has a book in the works, due for release next month. Not only does it profile a large variety of house plants but it shows how some prominent creatives integrate them into their homes and work spaces.

Leaf Supply’s book details a variety of house plants

Photography: Luisa Brimble

Shop online | A florist’s tips for flower arranging at home



By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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