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Real Reno: Backyard blank canvas to stylish, summer haven

When Sherie, Tony and the most important member of the family, beloved pooch Bella, first set eyes on the Gymea property that would become their home, the neglected but potential packed backyard got them thinking. “We saw lots of potential due to the size of the backyard,” says Sherie. “Pre-reno it was a very shaded area with no love at all.”

stylish summer havenBackyard before renovations

stylish summer havenBackyard after renovations

The four bedroom weatherboard  home was in good shape otherwise but it lacked an entertaining space, something Sherie and Troy knew they needed, as keen entertainers who love to spend time outside “We wanted to brighten up the space as we love to spend lots of time outdoors,” says Sherie.

The addition of a pool, cabana, basketball court and shaded grass areas for picnics and play not only provided an essential entertaining space, but has added a huge amount of value to the property, with Sherie estimating that the home they purchased for $800,000 would now be worth in excess of $1.5 million.

stylish summer havenThe start of renovations

stylish summer havenThe finished product

Though the $75k renovation was relatively straight forward, it wasn’t without its tricky stages. The existing drainage pit and unpredictable weather caused a few unexpected headaches for the couple. “Our drainage pit was insufficient and we had to excavate and build a new pit,” says Sherie. “[We also had to contend with] the weather. When there was to much rain, things got pushed back with the schedule of the pool.”

Fortunately, Sherie and Troy had plenty of helping hands to help keep things on track (and the budget under control). ” We did all the landscaping ourselves with lots of help from family and mates.” They were also able to save money on the installation of the pool fence by installing it themselves to save on the labour costs.

stylish summer havenBefore and after – pool and cabana

The end result is a stylish and completely usable outdoor space that incorporates all the best parts of the traditional Aussie backyard. Sherie’s favourite part of her new backyard? All of it! “We love the basketball court for exercise, pool for relaxation and the grass area for picnics and our dog Bella,” says Sherie. And these first time renovators aren’t quite done yet. The backyard and pool is just stage 1 of what they hope to be a long term labour of love for their home.

Want to check out more Real Renos? We’ve got plenty in our archives.

Keen on a backyard upgrade of your own? Check out our top tips for creating a beautiful backyard on a budget.

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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