Architecture RENO ADDICT

Should you renovate or knock-down and rebuild?

It is a common dilemma, you live in a great location and want to stay put, yet your home is far from ideal. Do you renovate or do you demolish your house and start afresh?


With various factors to consider, ranging from local council restrictions and your budget, through to design and logistics; the best way to reach a decision is to weigh up the pros and cons and see which option stacks favourably towards a home you’ll love now, and in the future.

KnockDown NewBuild (KDNB) gives you all the advantages of a brand new contemporary home, just the way you want it, right where you want it. It’s much easier and more affordable than many people think. Whether you replace the home you’re living in now, or you simply buy an old home to demolish and build the home of your dreams, you end up with the joy of living in a totally new home, with no compromises. In the area you want to live.


With growing numbers of home buyers knocking down existing homes to build new homes in inner suburbs, at Metricon we have a specialist team focused on creating homes to optimise modern family life on compact inner city blocks. We find that many customers come to us because they love the area they live in, love the school the kids attend and all the local amenities, but the home they are in just isn’t meeting their needs anymore, maybe it’s too small, or outdated. Often they have considered an extension or a renovation but have found that this is just too expensive.


The increased cost of renovation in terms of dollar per square metre frequently makes KDNB a more cost-effective option. KDNB delivers a home that matches your desired lifestyle perfectly. A home you can personalise to suit your lifestyle, and complete in every detail. Also, many of our customers find that the land that their home sits on is worth a small fortune. By building a new home, we can help them unlock the equity in their site and give them a beautiful new home to enjoy.


We have more than 100 home designs to suit almost every lifestyle and offer a free of charge service, where we assess the suitability of an existing home site for KDNB. We can advise on the entire process from start to finish and provide a cost estimate.

Photography by Metricon

— Brian Murphy is Metricon’s business manager, inner urban and dual occupancy. For more information visit your closest Metricon display centre throughout Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales or South Australia.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

0 replies on “Should you renovate or knock-down and rebuild?”

I would like to.know how i could get in touch with someone about cost of knocking down existing home and rebuilding

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