Art Designers Interviews

Striking & original timber wall art from Victoria’s surf coast

Every now and then while trawling Insta (something I do far more often than I’d care to admit!), I’ll find something truly original – something that cuts through. A diamond in the rough of sorts. This happened recently when I stumbled upon Hunter Wood Creative, a husband and wife outfit from Victoria’s surf coast town of Modewarre (not far from Bell’s Beach) who make striking timber wall art entirely from recycled timber. Inspired by their rural surrounds, the couple share an appreciation of the natural world that you can see in their work. “We have a love of the earthy and rustic and it’s what led us to settle in a country location, it influences our design choices and it was also a pivotal factor in launching our business,” says Hunter Wood Creative’s Dale Rogers.

“We are passionate about re-purposing and showcasing the true beauty and patterns of nature’s raw materials. Taking what would be unusable in some peoples’ eyes and turning it into something of beauty has a certain charm that’s hard not to love,” says Dale of the business that came about when the couple were in the market for a statement artwork for their home. “Dale had wanted to start making a piece for us so I suggested we use the wood that we had piled at home – old house studs, bearers and old hardwood flooring from a renovation. That’s how it started,” says Dale’s husband Luke Rogers.

After some initial tinkering, the couple set out searching for timber that featured different colours and grains and launched the business in late 2016. “The collection boasts wall wares in an array of shapes and sizes, and combines bold patterns and geometric shapes with the natural beauty of distressed leather inlays, mounted skulls and reclaimed timber. Our pieces are created using products that are sourced from nature, making each piece perfectly imperfect. They’re a little different, a little unusual but at home in any situation,” says Dale who hand makes each individual piece with Luke. “Every original artwork is made piece-by piece and takes several days to complete. I cut the individual pieces of timber before laying out the intricate designs and then Luke completes the assembly and framing,” says Dale.

“The high country is a source of beautiful reds and silky Victorian ash and we are currently working with some 100-year-old lintels from an old Geelong West property. We tend to source the timber wherever we can find it which is half the fun really,” says Luke of the range that starts at a very affordable $160.

Dale & Luke Rogers

The couple also offer custom design services, and have lots of other exciting plans in the works too. “Currently we are working on creating a stunning custom bedhead that will be impactful and full of texture and we are also designing a custom wall unit that will feature a shelf and a vertical garden,” says Dale. I can’t wait to check it out!

Photography: Stefani Driscoll Photography

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By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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