Expert Tips

Bringing nature inside during a lockdown

By Koraly Fasone

It’s no secret that Australians love being outdoors and among nature, so spending so much more time indoors right now (due to Covid restrictions and the colder weather) can be very challenging. We’ve pulled together some of our top tips to help you survive this difficult time, while we swap the beach for the bedroom, and the outdoors for the office.

Breathe life into your space with indoor plants

If you can’t go outside, why not bring it to you and accessorise your home with plants? Indoor plants are great for de-stressing your space and purifying the air around the home. There are so many low maintenance varieties readily available and they can be seamlessly blended with a mix of artificial plants to reduce your everyday maintenance even further. Mix and match your pots to suit the décor in your home, blend textures with patterns and even add a pop of colour.

If possible, add hanging pots to corners of rooms, this is a great way of softening harsh corners, a stylish alternative to artwork, and a great tool to save on floor space! Indoor plants can become main features in your home and create another layer of personality to any space.

The power of flowers

Floral arrangements can work to dress up any room within the home and can also be tailored to match your own personal style. Blending fresh floral with natural greenery from your garden is a great way to compliment the colours of your blooms and creates another layer of texture to any arrangement. Use your favourite vases, jars, jugs or vessels throughout the home and move these around the space daily for a different look and feel.

Make the most of natural light & ventilation

When spending increased time indoors, it’s important to make the most of the natural light that your home gets throughout the day. Start the day with opening up blinds and windows and let the light and fresh air flood through your space. Be sure your home office set up provides enough natural light to work comfortably throughout the working day and make sure you move around during the day, follow the sun and soak up that precious vitamin D.

Introduce a nursery in the kitchen

Go greener at home by growing your own herbs for cooking. Not only will this save you money and reduce supermarket visits, but you will be doing your bit for the environment and cultivating something fresh within your home. Herbs such as Basil, Chives, Coriander, Mint and Parsley are just a few options that are easy to grow at home. They always smell great and will make a great addition to your favourite dishes.

Mirror Mirror

Introducing mirrors into your living areas will create the illusion of more space. Creative positioning can even maximise your connection to the outdoors. For example, place a mirror next to your window to reflect the beautiful tree outside or continue the feel of your garden indoors. Mirrors are also a great tool to bounce natural light around your home and allow your communal areas to feel lighter and brighter.

–Koraly Fasone is lead interior designer for Porter Davis Homes, who were awarded Australian Professional House Builder of the Year in 2019, and a further five times in their 20-year history.

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