Competitions Designers

Temple & Webster Emerging Designer Award winners announced

Design duo Edward Linacre and Viktor Legin of Copper, took out the overall prize at this year’s Temple & Webster Emerging Designer Award.

iktor Legin (left) and Ed Linacre (right), winners of our Emerging Designer Award.
Viktor and Edward

Following a nationwide public vote and sale of their products on Temple & Webster, Copper, alongside nine other finalists, were shortlisted for the consideration of the judges before being unanimously selected as winners. “We were genuinely surprised as there was so much talent in the competition,” explains Edward. “This definitely will help get the word out, as Copper was formed only a year and a half ago.”

Designed by Copper
Designed by Copper

Beating some of the country’s most exciting emerging furniture and homewares product designers, their prize includes fantastic exposure to Temple & Webster’s 700,000 members, a media publicity campaign and a cash prize of $5,000.

Designed by Marz Designs

Coco Reynolds of Marz Designs also came out a winner, with her strong sales and public voting allowing her to take out the People’s Choice award. “It’s very encouraging and I feel incredibly humbled to be selected amongst such a pool of talent by the general public,” says Coco. “Competitions like these also act as a platform for new connections and potential collaborations.”