Expert Tips

10 mini feng shui projects you can implement in your home this weekend

By Jenny Blume

Whether you’e a true believer or not, there’s a lot to be said for many of the principals of feng shui, in creating a happier, calmer and more organised home. Why not try some of these quick expert tips yourself this weekend and see what effect they might have?

1 Beautify your entrance

To draw the best possible energy into your living space, make your home’s entrance is as clutter-free and inviting as possible. Not only will you attract more luck and good fortune into your life, you’ll attract more visitors too. Weeds, cracks and peeling paint convey poverty in feng shui, while creaky gates and overgrown gardens subconsciously say ‘stay away’. For an instant lift, jazz up your entrance with extra lighting or pop in a load of fragrant flowers.

feng shui entrance

2 Clear the clutter

Hanging onto unused items can trap you in the past and block fresh opportunities – and in many cases, people – from entering your life. Clutter hinders the flow of ‘chi’, so take a Zen approach and open up your living space. Ditch anything that conjures up negative feelings and only keep items that you love, need or use. If you can’t bear to part with old clothes, books or bric-a-brac, pack them into storage boxes, then sell or donate them in spring next year.