Art Interviews

Artist Emma Lipscombe takes finger painting to a whole new level

Emma Lipscombe’s unique way of creating her art immediately stands her apart. A mixed media artist, she sketches her designs onto the computer, which are then laser cut into timber board, creating a puzzle. From there, using her fingers, she works oil paint into the individual pieces, which, once dry, are put back together to finally reveal the finished artwork.

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The result is much more impressive than any finger painting I’ve ever seen, with the texture of the paint contrasting nicely with the exact, hard edges of the angular pieces. “My art reflects my interest in the ordered rhythm of reduction and repetition,” explains Emma. “It is simple, formal, playful and considered. I like it to speak for itself.”

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Painting since she was in high school, Emma studied landscape architecture in an attempt “to get something more tangible than a fine arts degree.” Now however, she practices under both disciplines, believing that the skills learnt in both complement each other.

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Yet it cannot be denied that being an artist is her fundamental love, with Emma shifting from her early days of painting with oil to a predominance in mixed media. “I’ve always painted with oils both figuratively and in abstraction,” says Emma. “Mixed media was a natural progression. I started making geometric works with paper quite a few years ago but found the move to paint (and puzzles) felt right and meant I could have more control over the play of colour.”

Inspired by travel and all that comes with it, be it architecture, interiors, fashion or the more particular vintage textile designs and ceramics, Emma hopes to spend the next years travelling with her family, exhibiting and, if she’s lucky, building a bigger standalone studio at her home!

Emma’s art can be purchased via her website here.