
Photos showcasing the perfectly imperfect nature of flowers

Interiors and prop stylist Vanessa Colyer Tay and photographer Sam McAdam-Cooper, have collaborated on a series of photographs that share the perfectly imperfect stories of flowers.

folia vanessa colyer tay 1

The collection, entitled FOLIA, celebrates the fleeting beauty of temporary life by focusing on the dishevelled textures of wilting blooms and foliage.

Having worked closely together in print media for many years, on titles such as Inside Out and Country Style, FOLIA is the result of their ongoing creative exploration of permanence, subjective beauty and the tension between the organic and the constructed.

folia vanessa colyer tay

Avaliable to see in person at their exhibition, opening Thursday 22 October at The Shop Gallery, 112 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe. The exhibition, shared with painter Michelle Ball, will run daily until Saturday 31 October.

With each photograph limited to an edition of 20, archival quality prints are available to purchase in two sizes at The Shop Gallery and online. Prices start at $440.

Interiors Addict

Decluttering and styling with budget queen Michelle from House Rules

By Michelle Ball

I’ve loved decluttering and styling since I can remember, so I thought I’d share my top tips on these 2 topics. I hope they help you!

House Rules contestants Michelle and Steve
House Rules contestants Michelle and Steve


I am not, and have never been a hoarder. I believe in the principal of letting go of excess, and as you do, even more beautiful things come into your home. In saying this, when we had to let go of all our belongings as part of the competition on House Rules and give them all to the Salvation Army, it was difficult for me. We boxed up all our photo albums and personal belongings, then any furniture in the house, including rugs, went.