Interiors Addict

Designing in the tropics: the divine Darwin

By Verity Coonan

When people think of Darwin it’s often red dirt and crocs and some backwards living – some people (admit it) might not have even heard of the place. However in recent years Darwin is coming into its own, with a bustling city, waterfront precinct and youth bursting with fresh ideas and eyes for new opportunities. Darwin is no longer the ‘city up north’ but one to show itself on the map as a landmark city with a style of its own.

The design culture in Darwin is as diverse as its people. Our conditions are harsh (they don’t call it going troppo for nothing) and because of recent events the budget strings pull especially tight. But seeing these elements as a benefit, even an inspiration, is what drives the eclectic style I like to call ‘Darwinian’.

Interiors Addict

A cosy little outdoor nook! Roll on summer so I can give my own balcony some love!

A cosy little outdoor nook! Roll on summer so I can give my own balcony some love!