
Visit and buy art directly from people’s homes

If you’re a Perth resident in the search of art and a fun day out, you should definitely consider visiting the inaugural Artist Open House Fremantle (AOHF) this month.

Ceramics by Dale Frances
Ceramics by Dale Frances

Held over two weekends, five Fremantle homes will open their doors to the public, showing and selling the work of over 25 artists. With all houses in easy walking distance from one another, visitors will easily be able to visit a few houses in a short period of time, with the opportunity to buy the art directly off the wall, or off the shelf if they’re buying ceramics!

Red Lotus by Becky Blair
Red Lotus by Becky Blair

“Many people may feel intimidated by galleries, or may not be able to visualise the art in their house, and this event tries to break down those barriers and let people see art in a real home, in a context that is familiar to them,” explains AOHF founder Cathrina Read. “With a variety of artists showing, Artist Open House Fremantle is about making art accessible to all, whether it be high-end or affordable. It is about making people feel quite literally at home with art.”

AOHF will be held over the weekends of 8-9 November and 15-16 November, with all houses being open between 10am-to-4pm. For more information visit their website.