Designers Expert Tips

12 interior trend predictions for 2017

With 2017 just around the corner, Houzz, the leading platform for home renovation and design, have shared what they expect to see more of in our homes next year.

1. Green is meant to be seen. With a surge in eco-consciousness and garden-to-table living, leafy, botanic greens have been dug up in homes this year. Couple that with Pantone’s colour of the year Greenery promising a fresh, reinvigorated start and we think green will be a big colour for 2017.

Image: The Room Illuminated | Houzz
Image: The Room Illuminated | Houzz

2. Porcelain surfaces. While porcelain isn’t a modern material, it’s a relative newcomer as a surface material. It’s hard-wearing, virtually non-porous and can take on a variety of looks that could make it ‘the’ material of the future.

3. Experimental tiles. We’ve had a lot of fun with tiles this year from oversized slabs to striking 3D shapes, and even fun new ways of laying tile patterns. Expect to see more of that next year.

Image: Alexandra Crafton | Houzz
Image: Alexandra Crafton | Houzz

4. Free-spirited decorating. Homeowners are increasingly inspired to experiment with styles and products that suit their personalities and not necessarily follow trends. It’s the idea that a home is decorated for us, and inspired by us.

Image: Lisa Atkinson | Houzz
Image: Lisa Atkinson | Houzz

5. Nomadic nuances. We’re seeing primitive, raw materials, an increasing appreciation for artisan objects, crafts and techniques, new patterns inspired by exotic global cultures, and rich desert tones such as tangy oranges, dusky pinks and buttery yellows.

6. Rough and ready fabrics. Natural, textural fabrics will continue to set the mood for 2017 – think raw fabrics such as linen, heavy cotton, canvas, hemp and wool; roughed up with unfinished edges, salt-washing and even tea-dying.

Image: Nikki To Photography | Houzz
Image: Nikki To Photography | Houzz

7. Swinging seventies. We’ve already seen the ’70s influence popping up, but Houzz experts predict we’ll continue to revisit this era in 2017. Look out for house plants, jewel colours, macrame, surfer artwork, terracotta, and bright kaleidoscope and abstract patterns.

Image: Tamara Armstrong | Houzz
Image: Tamara Armstrong | Houzz

8. Forget the upper cabinets. We’ve seen some fun alternatives to upper kitchen cabinets this year, with many homeowners opting for easy-to-reach open shelves, striking bench-to-ceiling feature splashbacks, or neat niches. What’s next for 2017?

9. Rethinking beige. Once a mainstay in homes across the country, beige has sort of been getting a bad rap in recent years with the popularity of greys. But designers are starting to rethink beige-based neutrals, giving the palette a refreshing update for the modern world.

10. Playful bedside pendant lights. Forget boring old table lamps. Pendant lights free up bedside space for nightstand essentials, especially helpful in small rooms.

Image: Andrew Snow Photography | Houzz
Image: Andrew Snow Photography | Houzz

11. Romantic bedroom colours. Most homeowners strive for a calm and cosy bedroom by sticking with walls painted in soothing whites, greys and blues. According to a recent Houzz Bedroom survey, intimate or romantic falls behind as the fifth-most desired atmosphere for a master bedroom after calm and cosy. Bring the love back and look to colours like raspberry pink, deep ruby red, caramel and even black.

12. White and wood kitchens. When it comes to cabinets and splashbacks, the colour white dominates in kitchens. To keep the all-white look from becoming too sterile, designers and homeowners are introducing wood accents to help break up the look visually and provide much needed warmth — we expect to see more of that in 2017.

Image: Suzi Appel Photography | Houzz
Image: Suzi Appel Photography | Houzz

–With a community of more than 40 million unique monthly users and nearly 1.5 million active home renovation and design professionals, Houzz has unique insights into how people are designing their homes.