
Foreman is back with the Lean, Mean, Roasting Machine

Pow! We are back after a few days without any appliance news, and guess what, Foreman is back as well! Now he is leaner, and meaner, and… roastier. Ahem. George Foreman is welcoming back the Lean, Mean, Roasting Machine, which as you can imagine, roasts food and knocks out the fat. The appliance has a five litre capacity which means that you can roast a fair whack of food at one go, and it comes with the usual slanted cooking plate which drains away whatever fat and grease drips off your meats.

George Foreman Lean Mean Roasting Machine

So what will a five litre capacity actually hold? Apparently that equates to a 2.5 kilogram chicken and full cuts of meat, which is pretty significant. The Lean, Mean, Roasting Machine also comes with a removable drip tray and digital timer so that you can simply set and forget.

The Lean, Mean Roasting Machine will set you back $99.95 so there is plenty of… meat left on the bone for food to roast. Sorry. For more information head to


Beko InnovaChef makes the oven smarter

Smart fridges. Whatever happened to those? When I started out as a technology journalist all those… seven years ago, LG was trying to convince everyone that these were the way of the future. They looked the part too, with big colour screens attached that could connect to the internet and do all this funky stuff. Well, Beko has a similar idea with the InnovaChef, but instead of being a fridge, it’s an oven.

BEKO INNOVACHEF OVENThe idea with a smart fridge is that you could potentially keep track of what is in your fridge and when you needed to buy more of it. Sure, you could do that with your eyes as well, but this is, well, cooler. With the Beko InnovaChef, it’s all about loading your recipes to your oven via USB and using the step-by-step recipe guides that come with the oven. OK, you could read a cook book instead, or use your tablet or smartphone which most people probably do, but that’s not the point.