Art Interviews

traffic jam galleries: a traffic jam you will want to get stuck in

Having lived in Sydney’s Neutral Bay for a big part of my life, I’ve spent many an hour stuck in traffic on Military Road (fellow residents will know what I’m talking about, that road is a nightmare!). However, Rebecca Pierce had an idea to turn a negative into a positive, transforming a call centre on the busy road into an art gallery: traffic jam galleries.


“We are on an ‘island’, really a traffic island between two main roads,” explains Rebecca. “There are 110,000 cars that pass daily and not everyone wants to get stuck in a traffic jam, so we wanted to create some relief from the monotony.”

tjg Building Gallery Evening

Affectionately referred to as a “living billboard,” the large building has 19 large windows that face out onto the roads and are constantly being changed. Representing 40 contemporary artists from Australia, New Zealand and the UK, Rebecca is constantly on the lookout for art that is not available in Sydney.

“We want to present something new, fresh and inspiring. We work over many genres: painting, sculpture, photography and installation art, with the artists’ careers ranging from emerging through to established. As diverse as our artists are we try to reflect that in our pricing so that many people can enjoy original artworks.”

Rebecca and artist Jenny Green
Rebecca and artist Jenny Green

Home to an array of one-of-a-kind pieces, I myself have purchased a handful of their artworks — my favourite being a sculpture of a cat made from old scales and other reclaimed materials (sounds crazy but it’s excellent, I promise!).

“We think we have an amazing group of artists, but I would also hope that a major point of difference is our service and passion and that our focus does not waver from presenting exciting, thought-provoking and very desirable works that can be enjoyed in a stimulating and friendly environment.”

sun and moon at tjg

With their current exhibition, SUN & MOON featuring the work of Rebecca and sculptor Jenny Green. Their upcoming April exhibition ‘Untitled’ will feature pieces by emerging artists whose experiences, subject matter and practice all differ. Also on the cards are more of their artist dinner series, with the next being held in July with Sydney based artist Sally West. They also offer the more informal artist morning and afternoon teas.

Artists Dinner Series - Table + Guests - tjg

To find out more about the gallery, exhibitions and sharing a meal with of their talented artists visit their website.