Designers Kids Rooms Styling

Upcycled nursery: This sweet space was created on a shoestring

When interior designer Charlie Cooper was expecting her third child, she created a nursery on a budget using a mix of existing items, sample pots of paint and a smattering of inexpensive homewares. “I wanted to create a peaceful, bright and cosy room for a baby girl that would still be relevant as she grew older. It needed to be practical, with all the nursery essentials, but something a bit different too. I needed to work with existing furniture so just updated it. This nursery was created with very little money.”

The standout feature is the colourful wall mural – a geometric pattern created with masking tape and pretty sorbet-toned paints. “I had the idea in my head and although it took some time, the end result was even better than I had hoped. I love the blend of colours and the way they wrap around the corner. I also carried a few of the shapes onto the wall above the change table,” says Charlie.

Nursery 5i (1)

Upcycling played a big part in the room’s design –  the designer repainted a number of items including the cot, change table, chest of drawers and rocking chair. “The rocking chair was originally my son’s, then my eldest daughter’s, and now it belongs to my youngest. It was originally an eBay find and I resprayed it for the third time and added a new cushion. The small table beside the chair was repainted for the third time too,” says Charlie.

Nursery 3i

The all-important finishing touches include some inexpensive prints from Etsy, some homewares from Target and Typo and a couple of IKEA pendant lights. “Most of the decor items were gifts we were given or recycled toys from my other children,” says Charlie.

Nursery 2a (1)

We love this example of a gorgeous and unique nursery on a budget and applaud the re-use (multiple times!) of upcycled pieces. Brilliant!

View more of Charlie’s work here.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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