House Tours

10 bloggers share favourite corners of their homes

Don’t we all love a little peek behind the door of real people’s homes? I asked ask 10 awesome bloggers (from the worlds of interiors, parenting, beauty and fashion) to share a favourite corner of their home! Enjoy!

Vivian Panagos of ish & chi:

“My favourite corner of our home is where I sit to enjoy the morning sun, where I play with my boys, where I nursed in the middle of the night, where I crash at the end of a long day and where I sometimes inadvertently fall asleep.”

ish & chi


Nikki Parkinson of Styling You:

“One of my favourite corners of my home is my bed and bedside table, which is actually a cabinet filled with my accessories. What I love about it is that I get to change the look of this corner each week with different linen and cushions. But no matter what the look, there’s always a colour pop. “



Christina Butcher of Hair Romance shares her home with husband Jim, her co-blogger at Mr & Mrs Romance.

“Our vintage bar sits in my favourite corner of our home. It was a $40 op shop find years ago that I somehow managed to bring home in the boot of my car. My husband Jim makes amazing cocktails and is the resident bartender. It has always been the hub of our parties. Now it forms part of our home office space in our sun room. The heart behind the bar is a little DIY lighting project  and our rug is from Freedom. We love watching the sun go down here with a martini in hand. “

Christina Butcher - Corner of my home


Lexi Kentmann of Pottymouthmama

“This is where I rest my weary head every night. It’s my very own little corner of the house, and it’s my favourite spot: bed. I keep a stack of books nearby for a quick hit of inspiration – (right now it’s Jason Grant, Pip Lincolne and Beci Orpin), my Diptyque Baies candle which not only smells incredible but was a gift from a very dear friend, a woven bowl made by Lisa Tilse for my jewellery, cushions made by my sister, and I pin up drawings that my husband (he’s an artist) and my children do for me. So my headboard is always evolving. It’s like my own little curated space to gather my pieces from people I love. And I can’t not mention how good it is to sleep in Belgian linen. west elm carries a great range of colours – it’s my everyday luxury, plus I love that relaxed look for my bedroom. “

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Beth Macdonald of Babymac:

“This corner of my home is close to the fire so it’s cosy, a perfect spot to sit and feed Maggie. It’s got my favourite wingback in it that I bought from an antique shop down here locally five years ago that was recently recovered, and my beloved Laura Jones painting. Every time I look at it it makes me happy and every time I sit in it, even more so!”

BabyMac corner


Andrea Michelle of Fox in Flats

“While I know a bit about fashion and beauty, with interiors I’m simply a sentimentalist. Almost everything in my home has a back-story. This isn’t a corner per-se, it’s a wall between my kitchen and living area, faces onto our dining table, and is what we see when we walk into that room. I first spotted a limited edition print of Jonathan Weiner’s Watchdogs in a gallery years ago and was mesmerised. Actually, it made me cry. Sadly it was sold when I went back to buy it, and have been scouring the world ever since. A close friend gave me this last year for my birthday. I love it as it shows strength and beauty. It’s empowering.

On my travels, I love to collect matchbooks, and that frame was a random crafty thing I did to try to showcase some of these. The shells also have been collected on travels. My youngest son ‘listens’ to it every day.  My kids are my biggest loves, so of course they are in the mix. And I’m obsessed with scented candles and they are scattered through my place so no surprise there’s one here.

Each Saturday morning I head to the markets with my little boys to pick up some fresh flowers. I always look for ones that’ll last for a while because they’re expensive! Cherry blossoms are my latest love. The nested tables were flirting with me in a shop window for months, and I tried to resist their marble-topped deliciousness. But then they went on sale and I realised we were destined to be together.”

Fox in Flats favourite corner of my home


Sharon Farrell from Sharon The Makeup Artist

“We’ve only recently moved house and the interior is still a work in progress, but this corner of the kitchen, tucked under the staircase, is by far my favourite. There are so many stories contained in this little area (and not just those found in the books). We found that bookcase on the side of the road when we first moved to Sydney and were broke, Paul designed and made the Pacman Ghost out of over 30 Rubik’s Cubes, and it’s where we display photos of our loved ones.”

sharon corner of my home


Sarah of A Beach Cottage

“This is a corner of our family room, the old sofa is very well loved and has been with us since our little girl was born (she’s now a teenager), it holds many memories and much love.  I like to layer it up with throws and pillows, stripes and pretty blues in Spring/Summer and knits and plaid in Winter and Autumn.  I love the double aspect to this room, sun comes in from both sides through old white windows and the French doors lead through to the summer room so you can hear and see the outside coming in. At night we sit here and listen to the sound of the waves crashing below on the beach and hitting us up here on the hill.”

  a beach cottage blog family room corner


Sonia Stackhouse of Life Love & Hiccups

“This is where I like to hide away from everyone on the weekends. Give me a pile of magazines to read, a garden full of plants to potter in and a G&T or two (aka mum’s coping cordial) and just you try and make me leave and go out into the real world… because, umm yeah, good luck with that.

“This backyard haven of ours is an ongoing work in progress as we are constantly planting and replanting, designing and redesigning and enthusiastically and not so expertly DIYing out here. Above all, it is our favourite place to relax as a family and generally veg out together or with friends.”

life love hiccups yard


Samantha Jockel of School Mum

“I love this corner of the house as it is where hubby and I retreat in the evenings after the kids have gone to bed and there is not a toy in sight … well, most of the time!”

sam school mum

Whose home would you love a peek inside? Let us know in the comments and we’ll try and persuade them to let us in!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

9 replies on “10 bloggers share favourite corners of their homes”

All my fave bloggers. I love visiting bloggers homes in Brisbane and seeing where they blog whether it’s at a desk in their office, or on their dining room. Great post Jen. You should make it a series. x

Hey Jen – a sneak peek in to a ‘unannounced’ photo shoot would be awesome. I love beautiful homes, and amazing styling looking all prim and propper, but some ‘day in the life of’ pics, no styling no cleaning up – yep my house mostly looks like this photos of some of the best stylists would be kinda refreshing….. 🙂

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