The Block

15,000 Blockheads turn out for The Block open inspections

Blockheads were out in full force this weekend! Over 15,000 people braved Melbourne’s gloomy weather to attend the open for inspection yesterday alone.

the block open for inspection 1

There certainly are some dedicated Blockheads out there. The first person in line had been there since 3pm Friday!

The public went wild over meeting the contestants and of course the views from the rooftop. There was even the opportunity to get in front of the cameras and potentially be on the open house episode!

the block open for inspection crowds

As Scotty said, it wouldn’t be a normal day on The Block if there were no surprises and a few minutes later Timomatic pumped up the crowd with a surprise performance of his new single Parachute.

the block open for inspection timomatic

All in all it was a great opportunity to see the communal areas that have not yet been to air and I can assure you they won’t disappoint.

Did you get a chance to head down to the open inspection? Who do you think will take out the title?

By Kathryn Bamford

Long time contributor Kathryn Bamford is a Sydney-based interior designer and co-owner of The Wholefoods Refillery. Follow her adventures on Instagram at @kathryn_bamford