Interiors Addict

Ruben + Kosch launch crowdfunding campaign to get lighting design manufactured

Australian design firm Ruben+ Kosch have launched a crowdfunding campaign to help fund and promote their debut product Cliques, a lighting system which only illuminates when its separate pieces (or people!) are connected to each other.


Made from high quality, recyclable plastic, the energy-efficient Cliques are powered by a single Lithium ion battery which supplies approximately 12 hours of continuous light. Recharging can be achieved by plugging the unit into any 5V USB port such as a computer, iPhone charger or solar panel charging system.

Cliques come in two designs–either a boy or girl shape–and can be configured into any combination, allowing you to represent your own Clique of family and friends. Once two or more Cliques are joined by ‘holding hands,’ they will light up. Separate them and the light will turn off. The lack of cords make them the perfect lighting solution for many situations, including night lighting in a child’s bedroom, ambient mood lighting on a bedside table, quirky and fun lighting within hotels and restaurants or for events like wedding receptions.


Senior designer Nicholas Koschade says: “Cliques can be customised in a number of ways with a range of quirky character costumes and matching head bands. The costumes are printed on clear vinyl stickers, making them reusable and allowing users to get creative by changing outfits as frequently as desired.”


Alternatively, you can use whiteboard markers to design your own Clique attire, or even just to write notes on them. When it’s time for a new look, simply wipe off the marker with a damp cloth and general cleaner!

Whether we like it or not we all need each other,” says Nicholas. “Cliques are a daily reminder of the importance in the roles we play for each other. You see Cliques cannot function by themselves. Alone they live in darkness, but together, no matter their gender, colour or creed, they can make each other’s lives, and yours, a brighter place.”

To join The Clique, receive some great rewards and help the campaign, visit

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.