
3 simple steps to get your deck summer ready

Aussies love the great outdoors and it’s fair to say that if you have a deck, you’ll be spending most of your summer days lounging about on it.

But the problem with decks is they can age very quickly! So don’t let the greying timber hinder your experience, replenish and protect your deck from UV damage with these three simple steps from Cabot’s, Australia’s leading woodcare product manufacturer.

Step 1: Exfoliate


Using a mix of Cabot’s Deck Clean and water in a bucket, scrub your timber with a broom to rid it of degraded timber fibres (the signs of ageing) and dirt. By eliminating the impurities and surface contaminants, you ensure a smooth finish when you apply your refreshing deck oil.

Step 2: Nourish

Now that you’ve prepped your timber, it’s time to nourish your clean, dry deck with Cabot’s Aquadeck. This water-based product is best applied with a lambswool applicator to ensure there are no streaks, lines or blend marks.

Apply Aquadeck liberally to the entire length of the timber board, approximately 2-3 boards at a time.

Step 3: Rejuvenate

Allow two hours’ drying time between coats. Once your first coat is dry, grab your lambswool applicator and repeat the process for a refreshed, young-looking timber.

When you’re done, wash your tools thoroughly in water. Wait at least eight hours before replacing furniture on your revitalised deck.

For best results

This three-step timber beauty regime should be repeated every spring to ensure your deck is protected from the visible signs of ageing. For product information, how-to guides and stockists, visit the Cabot’s website here.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.