Interiors Addict

The winner of September 7 Vignettes with Mr Jason Grant

I really enjoyed this month’s 7 Vignettes and felt there was a lot of feeling and love behind all the images. With themes like nostalgia, family and four-legged friend, chosen by our guest judge Mr Jason Grant, it was perhaps no surprise. I sometimes like the stories behind the images as much, if not more than, the images themselves!

I won’t keep you dangling any longer. The winner, as chosen by stylist Jason, was Helen Hamilton, aka @overgrown_garden. Congratulations, Helen! “I love the thought that has gone into these images and that they have been shot as a series,” Jason said. “I love the timber background, the simple and relaxed styling and of course the pop of yellow — beautiful!”

Helen wins a signed copy of Jason’s just launched second book, Holiday at Home. Here’s Jason and I at his book signing at West Elm in Melbourne at the weekend.

Helen, please contact us to claim your prize.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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