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A look inside designer Heidi Carter’s enviable Palm Beach home

While it may have started as a blog to document the renovation of her Paddington home (and her subsequent relocation to Palm Beach), Heidi Carter’s blog Paddo to Palmy very quickly turned into a blossoming lifestyle label.


Now an online shop that sells beautiful Moroccan homewares and also stocks Heidi’s latest venture, fashion line Gisele, she was inspired to open the store after struggling to find furnishings to decorate her Paddington abode. “I went for a minimalist Moroccan theme,” explains Heidi. “However when it came time to decorate I had trouble finding Australian based suppliers. So I convinced my hubby that we should go for a holiday to Morocco and I came back with over 40 rugs! That is how the online shop began.”

Heidi's Palm Beach home
Heidi’s Palm Beach home

Designing some accompanying ceramics, blankets and throws, last summer saw Heidi take the shop one step further, launching her own fashion label: “I have always been obsessed with fashion, in particular the prints of the Parisian designers, and I just felt there was a gap in the market for clothes that were flattering and made with gorgeous prints and colours. I will always be an interiors addict but there are only so many times you can renovate your house!”

Heidi's Palm Beach home
Heidi’s Palm Beach home

[contextly_sidebar id=”lOREC3fabh3ONFyvOWXMzRN9IhwUG4QI”]However, it’s not just her Paddington home that Heidi’s renovated, with her Palm Beach retreat also getting a beautiful revamp. “It is a Modernist style house that was built in the 1950s,” explains Heidi. “It was in pretty bad shape when we bought it. I painted all the floors and walls white so I had a blank canvas to work with, then stuck to a palette of white, light blue, tan and yellow. I scoured eBay for unique and cheap furniture and had it renovated and furnished in three weeks!” Can you believe it?!

Heidi's Palm Beach home
Heidi’s Palm Beach home

A unique build, the home features a three-story tower, with 360-degree views over Palm Beach and Whale Beach from the top. Unsurprisingly, that’s Heidi’s favourite room. “The bedroom at the top of the tower is so large that we also made a section into a cocktail area where we congregate at sunset, for yes, cocktails!”

Heidi's Palm Beach home
Heidi’s Palm Beach home

With the home’s style being a bit of everything — a bit Moroccan, a bit beachy and a bit oriental — the look stays true to Heidi’s own personal style. “I have always been very opinionated about how things should look. My friends always joke and say it’s just ‘so Heidi’ which I hope is a compliment! Although sometimes my taste, especially my use of colour, can be a bit out there which I know isn’t for everyone.” Well Heidi, it’s certainly for us!


Shop at Paddo to Palmy here, or even better, stay the night at Heidi’s Palm Beach retreat, which is available for rent here.

Photography by Susan Papazian

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

2 replies on “A look inside designer Heidi Carter’s enviable Palm Beach home”

Please can you do a blog on examples, tips and tricks for making the most of tiny rooms. I have a 3 by 2.65 bedroom and can’t get my head round how to make the most of it. Help!!

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