
4 ways to add warmth to your interiors this Autumn

It’s a fact; summer is behind us. The days are getting shorter, the nights darker and, depending on where you are in Australia, the temperature may be dropping at a rapid rate. As the weather becomes more ‘stay inside and snuggle’ than ‘day at the beach’ our interests and inspiration naturally turn towards those things that feel cosy, warm and ‘safe’. If you’re busy pinning and planning or just fancy a seasonal refresh, we’ve got plenty of quick and easy ways to add warmth and homeliness to your space, without the need to forego your favourite crisp tones or coastal knick knacks along the way.

4 ways to add warmth to your interiors this Autumn

1. Make friends with jewel tones – There’s something very ‘Autumnal’ about jewel tones. They seem to reflect the view outside the window and remind us of rustling leaves and gently burning fires. Not only does Pantone’s official colour of 2017, ‘greenery’ fit perfectly into this cosy aesthetic, its pals, deep purple, teal and even deep and dusty red (think crushed velvet) create a complimentary but mismatched palette inspired by precious stones, quartz and metals.

4 ways to add warmth to your interiors this AutumnImage source: True Local

2. Embrace earthy, warm materials – Our love of the white subway tile may not have waned but even we can admit that it’s not the ‘warmest’ option on the block. Autumn and winter are all about grounding and staying snug so it makes sense that earthy, warm materials would be in favour. Terracotta, cork, upholstery, woven products, wool and exposed brick will all reign supreme as materials of choice during the cooler months. While changing your tiling may not be the most practical option (unless you’re in the process of your reno), you can still enjoy all that these materials have to offer by utilising them in more practical ways. A cork side table, woven storage or chunk knit throw can help bring the aesthetic into your home without the need for any big changes.

4 ways to add warmth to your interiors this AutumnImage source: Homedit

3.Get in touch with touchable textures – There’s something very tactile about the cooler months. We often think of snuggly sheepskin, plush blankets and throws and all things knitted. Embracing this aesthetic can take the edge off even the coolest, most summer-centric decorating schemes. Focus on textures like velvet, wool and sheepskin to chill proof your home right through Winter.

4 ways to add warmth to your interiors this AutumnImage source: Pottery Barn

4. Sort your lighting – Nothing says ‘doom and gloom’ quite like a poorly lit room. With shorter days and darker nights, adequate lighting can go a long way in changing the vibe of your home from ‘dungeon’ to ‘cosy den’. Ensuring that you’ve replaced light bulbs is important, especially for fixtures that may not have been used much during the warmer months, as is making sure that the lighting you have in place is adequate enough to light the space you’ve installed it. Plenty of people underestimate just how many watts it will take to light their living spaces and can find that they’re in need of some extra brightness. The best way to achieve this is with floor or table lamps. Candle light is another way to help a room feel wonderfully snug and cosy though it’s best not to completely rely on candles to keep a room well lit.

4 ways to add warmth to your interiors this AutumnImage source: Barker and stone house

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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