Interiors Addict

The winner of 7 Vignettes Feb with OZ Design Furniture is…

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“We were blown away with the abundance of creativity amongst all the entries. It was so enjoyable and inspirational to see how our key style groups and trends are interpreted and portrayed,” said sponsor OZ Design Furniture’s marketing assistant, Danielle Matta.

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“We were finding it difficult to pick daily and overall winners, as there were so many amazing entries which reflected both style and creativity. We really enjoyed the entries from the overall winner @whitefoxstyling with consistently beautiful and stylish entries each day.

“It has been a pleasure for us to be involved as a sponsor of Interiors Addict’s 7 Vignettes challenge in February.”

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Jen wins a $500 OZ Design furniture voucher! Please contact us with your details to claim your prize! Huge thanks to everyone who took part for brightening our feed with your images and comments! And congratulations to our daily theme winners too.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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