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Backyard Reno on a budget

Renovating your backyard doesn’t have to break the bank. Whether your lawn needs a refresh or a paved area is looking old and tired, there are budget-friendly ways to update the look and feel of your outdoor space with DIY and smart design choices.

According to the 2017 Adbri Masonry Great Australian Backyard Survey, more than 30 per cent of Australian homeowners are planning to improve their outdoor area within the next 12 months. Here, landscape expert and Adbri Masonry Ambassador Jason Hodges, gives some quick and easy tips for spicing up your backyard.

Backyard Reno on a budget

1. Enhance the look of the lawn

Replacing old or damaged turf is a great way to enhance the look of your backyard. Healthy turf will bring a bright, fresh appearance to your outdoor space and this simple project gives a great finishing touch. Aerate the lawn with a garden fork and remove any debris. Fertilise if required and sprinkle grass seeds over any bare spots. For a cleaner, well defined finish, separate the lawn from the garden bed using a neat edger like Adbri’s Lawn Edge – lay it either way up to suit your desired edge height.

2. Update your paved areas

Paving is the perfect way to freshen up the backyard and create a low maintenance, multi-function area that can be appreciated by the whole family and enjoyed day and night. Whether you’re looking to create a feature zone for dining or entertaining, building a garden path or completing a poolside area, pavers are a clever and effective way to make the best use of any space. For time-poor home owners looking for practical ways to bring the family together while showcasing their personal style, go with a large format paver in a lighter colour like Adbri’s Quadro® pavers, to create the illusion of increased space. If you’re looking to transform existing paved areas, try pressure cleaning. Not only is it a quick and easy way to improve its appearance, but you may also remove any oil or moss and restore the slip resistance of the surface.

3. Side yard pathway

There is a shady side to every house. These areas normally receive very little sunlight and can be prone to dampness. This can inhibit grass from growing and means that the area can turn into a mud pit every time it rains. A feature stepping stone path is not just aesthetically appealing, but it activates a generally unused space and ensures that muddy floors are a thing of the past. For an added ‘wow’ factor, lay the pavers offset in a stretcher bond pattern and fill the voids with decorative stones or greenery. Large format pavers are recommended to achieve the designer look.

Backyard need more of a professional makeover? Enter Australia’s worst backyard competition.

Adbri Masonry is giving away a premium backyard transformation designed by celebrity landscaper, Jason Hodges. Whether you long for a better space to entertain your family and friends, or are have a backyard that is old and tired and in much need of a refresh, Adbri want to hear about it. One lucky winner will receive a backyard makeover valued at $15,000.


To enter please visit:

Adbri Masonry is Australia’s leading masonry manufacturer. For more information, visit

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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