Covet my coffee table Designers

Covet My Coffee Table: With interior designer James Treble

Given he’s the resident interior design expert on Channel Ten’s The Living Room, it is rather fitting that James Treble opened up his own living room to us recently for a glimpse at his coffee table styling. A regular at the Milan Furniture Fair and the International Tile and Bathroom Fair in Bologna, James uses the phrase ‘Global Traveller’ to describe both his lifestyle and personal style.

James’ living room

“I love collecting objects when I travel, as they tell a story and create conversation when people come to visit whilst reminding me of past travels. The brass seashell on my coffee table is in fact a door handle that I found in Gallipoli, Italy. I have bought a few different sets each time I’ve visited, and I use them as objects on tables while they await the perfect set of doors,” says James.

The bold brass object sits atop a marble coffee table sourced from Life Interiors. “The strong vein works well in our home providing some natural beauty and a nod to Italy which we visit every year, and the round design contrasts all the straight lines in the home. I love round and organic shapes,” says James, who lives with his Italian artist partner, Sandro Nocentini.

James’ coffee table

“My coffee table is ever changing as we usually rotate objects and plants from around the home so we get to enjoy them. It also makes the space feel fresh and interesting all the time, as we get to engage again with something we may have forgotten or not looked at for some time.

“Books are a big part of our world. We regularly buy books in both Australia and overseas and we love books on design and art as well as inspirational people,” says James, who cites Alain De Botton’s The Architecture of Happiness as one of his all-time favourites. “Sandro was fortunate to meet him and he signed a copy for me.

“I also love using books when styling as it allows me to change the height of objects, as well as adding personality through their titles. It’s something that I teach when working with students or in workshops for my online interior design course,” says James.

James in his living room

A lover of texture, James’ lounge room features a woven rug, velvet sofa, leather occasional chair, timber floor and marble. “Texture is possibly my most favourite element in design, as I’m a very tactile being and a touchy-feely sort of guy. I feel that the tactile experience is important in our homes as we all live such busy lives, and deal with so much technology, that we need to get back to nature to relax our senses.”

Hanging above the navy sofa is a piece of art by Sandro. “He is an award-winning artist and has been awarded The Sulman Prize as part of the Archibald,” says James of his partner of 13 years, with whom he has two children.

The space also features a range of digitally printed Kerrie Brown cushions. “I met her in her gorgeous store for a colour presentation, fell in love with them and bought them on the spot,” says James who combines them with a round tan leather cushion from Mr Jason Grant.

For more | Browse our other coffee tables

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

2 replies on “Covet My Coffee Table: With interior designer James Treble”

Hi Amy, great story. Lovely to see the special objects, textures and colours of James Treble. I am an artist and I especially like to hear the background story of art, objects and what makes them so special to people. Thank you. Narelle

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