Expert Tips Homewares Interviews

Bali shopping & buying trip for stylists & designers

Whether you’re a stylist, designer or property stager, stylist and property expert Naomi Findlay’s brand new Bali buying trip promises to deliver access to fabulous artisanal homewares, furniture and accessories coupled with rest and relaxation too.

“I’ve been going to Bali to run retreats for stylists and designers for five years now. Slowly I’ve been researching and working on great suppliers of amazing homewares. These are an alternative, cheaper option and can be customised for your individual style. Plus, the trip itself is relaxing, rejuvenating and Bali is a place I go to align my body and mind to accelerate my business,” says Naomi.

Naomi Findlay
Naomi Findlay

With the interiors market full of lots of the same items, it can be hard to distinguish your offering from the next stylist or designer which is where the trip comes in. “I want to help other home stagers offer their clients bespoke and unique options. This means more success for them, as they are able to cut costs and experience great networking and business building too,” says Naomi who has built up a treasure trove of connections over the many years she has spent travelling to the island.

Artisanal wares found on Naomi's last trip
Artisanal wares found on Naomi’s last Bali trip
Interesting chairs make up just some of the Bali furniture mix

From cushions to lighting, chairs and ceramics there’s plenty to be found throughout the trip’s five days of product sourcing. Attendees can expect planned tours to Naomi’s favourite design haunts and she’s even organised secure and easy shipping to get your items home courtesy of a local coordinator who will facilitate and manage deliveries, storage and shipping via a local freight forwarder.

More Bali finds

More Bali finds

The trip’s other inclusions include daily breakfast, dinner, yoga and massages and all while staying at the lovely Hotel Komune. “It’s an amazing organic resort on the volcanic surf coast,” says Naomi.

Not a bad view after a day's work!
Not a bad view after a day’s work!

Naomi Findlay’s Bali buying trip
$3,500 per person (+GST), or five instalments of $700 (+GST), not including flights.

For more

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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