Before & Afters Design Interviews Kitchens Real Renos RENO ADDICT

Before & after makeover: Kitchen from 90s to chic white

Today’s very impressive before and after is brought to us by Sarah Nolen of Birdblack Design who transformed a dark, heavy timber, 1990’s kitchen into a light-filled entertainers’ delight that is perfectly suited to the busy Wollongong family it serves.

AFTER The new bright, white kitchen is unrecognisable!

“This family loves to entertain so they needed a kitchen that would tailor itself to both daily family life as well as catering for large crowds,” says Sarah of the new open-plan design that features plenty of bench space, storage, wide walkways, display shelving and room for a super wide fridge.

“This kitchen renovation took the dark into the light. The existing kitchen was heavy to look at with timber cabinets and black granite bench tops. We freshened the appearance with a palette of white and soft greys,” says Sarah. Oak timber shelves and flooring help to soften the white and create a cosy entertaining hub at the same time.

AFTER Timber touches imbue the space with warmth

Aside from freshening up the palette Sarah tweaked the layout of this kitchen, entirely opening up the space – not the easiest task given there was a structural post right in the centre of the room. “Instead of leaving it looking like an eyesore, we were able to intentionally design around it so that it looks like it is a part of the new island bench,” says Sarah who mirrored the existing post and designed an open shelving unit and buffet unit around the new structure. This is a clever response to what is a common problem and the end result really paid off.

BEFORE Given that post was structural, it unfortunately had to stay
AFTER Sarah's clever solution to the structural post!
AFTER Sarah’s clever solution to the structural post created more storage and display shelves

Instead of an L-shaped design the new kitchen features an island bench that makes it easier to access while helping to further open up the space. And perhaps my favourite feature of the design, Sarah also designed a full walk-in pantry concealed behind a seamless, hidden door. Genius!

AFTER The hidden door reveals a walk-in pantry behind
AFTER The hidden door beside the oven reveals a walk-in pantry behind

For more on Birdblack Design | The ultimate guide to buying a fridge

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

2 replies on “Before & after makeover: Kitchen from 90s to chic white”

My kitchen is exactly that same shape and has floored design similarities. Being it is a heavy yellow mustard scheme of a BELLEVALE house and land package with a structural second storey post/column of 2001. Mine too feels hemmed in and does not allow free flow in the kitchen space. Thank you this has given me ideas to open it up, with white and possibly a skylight too for winter brightness. I also want to incorporate a walk in pantry instead of the dark unlit corner one next to the oven. I like the expanded wall around the post, i was thinking a bar around the post but this also looks sleek and well designed for display and storage. Where did the AC outlets go as i also have the same round ones on my ceiling in these areas?? And my lighting is poor with one overhead in kitchen and dining area near to windows. Congratulations. Sink would need to move as in this remodel. Much food for thought….any ideas on cost?

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