Bathrooms Kitchens

Benchtops made from semi-precious stones? So wrong it might just be right!

Now, this is one benchtop surface that’s going to divide opinion: the new Concetto from Caesarstone. First I loved it, then I hated it, then hang on, I really quite like the look of that! Hmmm…

Caesarstone_Concetto_ bathroom in 8141 White Quartz

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Concetto is a collection of extraordinary surfaces handmade from individually cut and bound semi-precious stones and it certainly makes a statement.

[contextly_sidebar id=”B7pcF8crNTAM9hFTmPR9WR2e3jGVGETV”]“It is amazing to consider that the semi-precious stones used to make Concetto are sourced from all corners of the Earth and up to 150 million years in the making. It is somewhat akin to owning a special piece of art,” said Andrew Dixon, general manager marketing for Caesarstone Australia.

“We are seeing Concetto used in very unique interiors, often as highlight elements in very contemporary, sometimes minimal ways. The development of new LED lighting technologies, often remotely controlled, is seeing the fusion of different back lighting effects being used with the six surfaces in the collection which can be backlit”

All Caesarstone showrooms can demonstrate Concetto backlighting examples by appointment.

Ideal for a wide variety of applications such as kitchen benchtops, splashbacks, bathroom surfaces, furniture pieces and feature walls, Concetto carries the same superior properties as all Caesarstone surfaces.

I’d love to know what you think?

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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