Bedrooms Designers Expert Tips The Block

Block’s Matt & Kim share moody bedroom in their new home

Former Block contestants Matt and Kim Di Costa will be back on our screens soon in The Block: Triple Threat. Since appearing on The Block: Sky High, they’ve been busy bees, redefining their style. Today, they’re sharing the first room they’ve decorated in their new home. It took just five days and cost less than $2,000.

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“This interior explores balance, colour and point of view,” Matt says. “The sea of greens and blues create a moody, tranquil backdrop. The black and white rug, colourful lamps, cushions, trinkets and patterned occasional chair provide solid blocks of playful colour to lift the room.”

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Many other personal items are things Matt and Kim have picked up on traveling over the years.

“There are many ways to skin a cat,” says Matt. “In the past year, I’ve noticed a lot of designers focussing on following trends instead of creating mood. That has a flow on effect to the home renovators looking for relatable inspiration. A real showpiece is a home that follows the principles of design first, but then explodes with personality. It is here I raise two thoughts:

“First, a bedroom doesn’t have to be tranquil and moody because a magazine or designer says so. That is the decision of the homeowner. Only the design rules must be loosely followed to make sense of your vision.

“Second, if you are trying to create a tranquil space, as we were, that doesn’t mean it cannot be bold. In the case of our room, it was percentages. 70 percent of our room is deep turquoise and emerald green. The rest is like a circus carnival gone rogue, but the balance is there. Part of the tranquil feel was created with the bold yellow lamps. They deliberately sit very low in the room to frame the bed and create an initial point of view when you walk in.”

The room was completed in five days and cost $1,700.

“This combo of mood and playfulness combines to create a fun, relatable experience that every Australian can afford to do. Because aren’t we all supposed to have a home we love? It’ s time to take the plunge into your creative mind.”

Read all our Block latest.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

15 replies on “Block’s Matt & Kim share moody bedroom in their new home”

OMG! I LOVE this room! I love the bold colors! And for less than $2000? How is that even possible? And Jen, are you the producer of The Block? Please forgive my ignorance. I do not have TV. Can I stream the show online? Thank you.

I love your blog but find the flashing adverts EXTREMELY aggravating distracting while I am trying to concentrate on reading the centre articles.

Sorry to hear that Tracey. Ads are a big part of how I make money which allows me to concentrate on this as a full-time job and be able to produce the content you want to read and pay other people to write it too. I will take it on board though. Happy New Year! Jen

WOW!! this is totally gorgeous, as Matt says a little big ‘rogue’ totally love it. Would like to be this brave with my paint colour choices, but am doing the úsual’decorating style and sticking with the subtle wall colour and throwing around colour in other items. However I am so enthused I might just have to head of to the paint shop and start throwing some it around!

Hi I’m just wondering if there is any possibility to hire both Matt and Kim. My brother is remodelling his home because he has a 14 year old daughter who is too embarrassed of the home they live in that she won’t bring friends home. I know the home they have has huge potential but am worried that the way my brother wants to do it will just be a waste cause he really doesn’t have the eye for this neither does anyone else in my family.
I would be very keen in finding out what the cost would be to hire both Kim and Matt to come look at the property then possibly giving us an insight into what they think could be done with the home to maximise space give my Neice a teenage area as well as bringing the home into a upto date look.
Thank you

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