Homewares Interviews Styling

Buy a piece of Steve Cordony style with his new cushion range

Heavily in-demand as a stylist, you can now get a splash of Steve Cordony’s distinctive style at a fraction of the cost, with the arrival of his limited-edition cushion range. And you heard it here first, so don’t hang around as they’re not mass produced and the boutique collection is sure to sell out fast.

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Made from fabrics that Steve has collected on his many exotic travels, the collection features silks and velvets found in Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar and markets all across India to linens from South Africa and Indonesia, as well as fabric remnants from Steve’s own projects.

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“I started off just collecting fabrics for fun and then realised I had way too many,” explains Steve. “I decided the best use would be to make cushions as I love changing up the look of a space with just a switch of the soft furnishings.”

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[contextly_sidebar id=”QaFE2UoJpMEyXMJ4DpNruYWFoYxi2vdJ”]With two ranges, there is the cool collection, on sale from today (Friday), and the warm collection which will soon follow. “With these two groupings of colours and patterns you can easily mix and match to create your own look. I also love different, quirky size cushions rather than just the standard square, so the collection features a wide range, including smaller lumber cushions, which are my favourite to layer and play with scale and proportion.”

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Made by John Turvey who produced the cushions all by hand, they all beautifully blend contrasting fabrics, with many cushions featuring a different pattern on the front and back.

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A long-time aspiration for Steve, this has been a true passion project. “It has been a dream and this little limited edition project was more personal than work. It was fun going through all of my fabrics I have been collecting for five years and reliving memories from my travels.”

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By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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