Homewares Outdoor & Exteriors Styling

Buy on-trend house plants online at Domus Botanica

After more than a decade in the publishing industry, Domus Botanica founder Lauren Camilleri decided time was ripe for a career change. “I’ve always loved plants and was starting to notice a growing trend for indoor gardening,” says Lauren of starting her online business that sells chic potted plants in the greater Sydney area.


“So many of us are living in apartments with limited access to green space. I’m a total covert to the idea that plants can enhance our lives as well as the look of our interiors,” says Lauren, who sees many benefits to filling our spaces with greenery.


The company sell beautiful but hardy plant species in addition to a chic edit of plant ephemera in which to house them. The pot range is lovely with Zakkia Homewares planters sitting alongside a range of cheeky boob pots from Brookyln-based ceramicist Isaac Nicholls. “I’m currently working on a range of ceramics with my dad who is a ceramicist and we have some other collaborations in the works with local makers,” says Lauren.


And for the plant-challenged among us (guilty as charged!), Lauren offers a design and sourcing service where she visits a space and consults with the owners to find out what they’re looking for and what level of maintenance they are comfortable with. “I then create a plant scheme, source the plants and pots and install the plants and provide all the information needed for maintaining the greenery.” Where do we sign up?


And as for the current trend in faux plants, unsurprisingly Lauren isn’t a fan. “I’ve never been a fan of fake flowers and this feeling extends to fake plants. While the quality of them has improved considerably and I understand why people with limited time would opt for them, you just miss out on some of the things that make keeping real plants so incredible. Indoor plants are guns at detoxifying the air, removing nasty chemicals such as formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide. There is also something so rewarding about keeping something alive and seeing it thrive.”


Currently, Lauren ships her pots, plant stands, books and other plant ephemera across Australia, but her live plant offering is limited to the greater Sydney area.

Shop here.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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