Competitions RENO ADDICT

Create your dream DIY project by winning a Feast Watson Re-Love kit

Over the last months, myself and seven other Feast Watson Re-Love Project designers upcycled some extremely worn items and treated them to the ultimate furniture makeover!

All the projects
All the projects (mine’s the flamingo table)

Once done, they were auctioned on eBay (which closed 18 July) and sold for a combined total of $6,115.58, with all proceeds from the auction donated to the Salvos. Feast Watson, then provided further funds to bring the total to $10,000. What a fantastic result! Great job to all.

Feast Watson Re-Love giveaway image

So, to celebrate the success of the Feast Watson Re-Love Project, we have a great giveaway on offer. If you’re feeling inspired here’s your chance to try your hand at your own DIY project, with three Feast Watson Re-Love kits up for grabs. Each kit is valued at $250 and contains a brush, painter’s tape, sand paper, stirrer, Feast Watson product to the value of $150 and a drop sheet. Enter below.

For more on Feast Watson.

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By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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