Designers Interviews Kids Rooms Styling

Design feat: A super stylish combined office & playroom

While it could be the stuff of nightmares, this gorgeous space manages to combine a home office with a little girl’s play room without compromising on style. The creation of Magdalene Liacopoulos of The Bebe Style Co., it’s shared by Courtney Bell, owner of kids’ decor brand Belle & Co. Living, and her daughter Macey.

Combined office and playroom
The combined office and playroom is divided into zones

“The brief was to put together a combined office and playroom –  a space where Courtney was able to have a functional and inspiring work area while still being able to care for Macey and having a shared spot where she is stimulated and happy,” says Magdalene.

Children's play area
Macey’s play area features a velvet mini mattress for reading and sleeping alongside her mum’s beautiful storage cases

“Courtney’s interior style is modern and classic and we wanted the room to be an extension of the rest of the home. Being a girl’s area, we added a feminine touch with the hints of blush pink,” says Magdalene – the most notable of which is the feature wall of removable pink marble-look wallpaper from Loaded Visuals.

Removable wallpaper
The removable wallpaper is the hero of the space. I love this pink console from Adairs too.

“That was definitely a risk that paid off. We discussed wallpaper early in the design process and struggled to find a design that would tie in with all the furnishings and then I put forward the marble design and Courtney loved it! I think it finishes the room off beautifully and I couldn’t imagine the room without it.”

Courtney's desk
Courtney’s desk

A large room to fill, this presented its own challenge but Magdalene rose to the occasion by sectioning the space into separate zones. “The biggest challenge was probably the size – a big space can be a blessing and a curse – as it does need a lot of furnishings to fill the space. We achieved this by creating dedicated zones to help fill every corner.”

Desk details
Desk details

The inevitable clutter that comes with children was another obstacle but one that Magdalene overcame with a variety of clever storage solutions including an Olli Ella ‘Pollie’ shelf where Macey stores her butcher’s paper. The lovely felt board above displays her creations. “Another challenge when working on a children’s playroom is finding a home for all their toys and we did this by ensuring there was plenty of concealed storage and baskets – as it can start to look overrun very quickly,” says Magdalene.

The craft zone
The craft zone

Macey’s play area also features a versatile Onyx & Smoke ‘Laysleepplay’ velvet mini mattress where she can read and rest and a gorgeous Incy Interiors velvet ‘Hugo’ settee that faces a large IKEA ‘Billy series’ shelving unit that features customised hardware from Anthropologie. Courtney’s IKEA Hemnes desk also features gorgeous custom knobs from the American brand as well as a West Elm upholstered dining chair.

Incy Interiors velvet settee
The Incy Interiors settee is a highlight of the space

Gorgeous storage cases from Courtney’s own homewares brand also feature. Made from powdercoated metal sheeting and available in five colours with three different hardware options, they make a great addition to a little girl’s space. “I started the business because I kept seeing similar cases popping up on European Instagram accounts and became frustrated that we didn’t have access to them in Australia – as with a lot of beautiful interior décor and furniture, and if companies did ship here it was ridiculously expensive! My goal is to make beautiful, practical and affordable homewares available to the growing Australian market of interior lovers and decorators,” says Courtney.

Storage details

For more on Bebe Style Co. | Shop Belle & Co storage cases onlineNursery design 101

Photography: Sue Ferris

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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