Interiors Addict

Facebook business page tip

As you may know, I do a lot of social media consulting with small businesses in the interiors industry and I notice the same little issues over and over again. So I thought I’d start sharing the odd tip so you can improve your social media presence with a quick fix.

Today’s is a really simple thing but one which many miss when setting up their business pages. The majority of my clients haven’t put their company website under their profile image. To find it, you need to click on ‘About’ and go to the page behind where there’s also address info etc.

You want your company website to be there, on the front page and easy to click through to
You want your company website to be there, on the front page and easy to click through to

Now here’s the thing: people are lazy. The internet has made us more impatient than ever. So if your website isn’t there and obvious and immediately clickable, your competitor is only a click away!

How to fix it? SUPER EASY (as I’ll keep saying, social media isn’t rocket science). Just log into Facebook as your page, then go to Edit Page>Update Info

Then type what you want to appear on the front page, including your website address, into the box that says ‘Short Description’

Then hit ‘Save Changes’ and you’re done! You’re welcome 😉

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

18 replies on “Facebook business page tip”

I see this all the time as a customer and it URKS me so much haha! Thanks for spreading the message!

OMG – I knew that & am surprised when business pages don’t include their web address on the 1st page. Checked mine & I was guilty too!!! How could I? Thanks Jen, all recitified.

I have done this on one of my pages but I can never work out why the Ethos Design one doesn’t have a short description. I have one entered in the box, but when you view the page you just see the location, phone number and opening hours. Totally stumped!

Thanks for that tip. I had put all the info in the about section and I had put the website in he website section but so much better to put it in the short description as that is the only bit that shows up on the page. Done it. Very simple and a great tip. Thanks

Hi there, I am having trouble putting my website address on my Facebook business page ‘Sarah’s House’ i I would love it in the box under Sarah’s house but can’t seem to do it, it just shows address!!! Ps you can access my fb page from my website to look if you like . Thankyou , Sarahx

Hi Sarah, someone else had the same problem and tried the below. Please see if it works for you?

Hi Anna, I had the same problem just now and it only showed up after I changed my category from Local Businesses (not sure why it was in that category), to Brands and Products. Hope that helps! Lauren

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