Interiors Addict

Floral eye candy for your walls from Prunella & Simon Griffiths

To celebrate their second birthday and a love of flowers, Prunella florists Vanessa Partridge and Caris Haughan have teamed up with renowned photographer Simon Griffiths on a limited edition series of floral photographs.

The images evoke the still life paintings of the Dutch masters and allow viewers to experience the essence of Prunella through Simon’s expert lens. I don’t know about you but I could gaze at these incredible images all day. Just divine!

The ladies behind the Victorian florist appreciate nature in its rawest form, celebrating what’s seasonal, beautiful and unexpected. “Simon has been a wonderful mentor for Prunella and we’ve formed a close bond through our mutual love of plants and flowers so we really wanted to work together on a series that gave us all incredible joy” says Vanessa. “Prunella has gone from strength the strength in our very short lifetime. We love working with likeminded creative folk and hope that collaborations will be a big part of what we do in the future.”

They’ve just launched a new website and they’re increasingly working on events.

“We’re happy to take our lead from Simon who has photographed homes and gardens all over the world including Italy, France, New York and Spain,” says Caris. “We have big plans for Prunella and this is just the beginning!”

Limited edition framed and unframed prints are available to buy in store or sign up to their newsletter to find out when you can get them online soon.

Prunella | 68 Piper St | Kyneton | VIC 3444 

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

7 replies on “Floral eye candy for your walls from Prunella & Simon Griffiths”

Thanks so much for this, Jen. As always, their arrangements are beautiful without being stuffy. I love all that is Prunella and enjoy watching their plans unfold.

Don’t bother going here. We ordered flowers to wire into our flower girls hair at our wedding. When we picked them up, they’d not done them, and when we returned had only made 2 not 3. The flowers were of very poor quality and they had the audacity to charge us $45 each for that rubbish. Poor, poor customer services. I’d recommend going elsewhere.

Max Tilley

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