Competitions The Block

Get the look: last night’s first Block Glasshouse guest bedroom reveals

With $10,000 up for grabs for the team who scored the highest with the judges, the pressure was on for the Blockheads to reveal their first rooms this week. To be honest I couldn’t wait to see each of the teams’ styles start to shine through and I have to say I was rather impressed for week one!

Carlene and Mike's room
Carlene and Michael’s room

Darren Palmer was impressed with the height of the doors and the sense of scale that experienced renovators Michael and Carlene created in their guest bedroom. Neale Whitaker absolutely loved the artwork above the bed and thought it was a good choice of pendant light. I would have to agree. I’m always a sucker for anything copper (especially with a grey wall)! I loved the refined luxe look and officially crowned it my favourite room of the week.

Carlene and Michael
Carlene and Michael

Get Michael and Carlene’s look: Copper pendants, artwork and bedside tables.


All three judges were impressed with the bones of Chris and Jenna’s room, however were quite critical of the couple’s execution of finishes and styling. I absolutely loved what they did with the ceiling and light fittings, however I do have to agree that the lights needed to hang a little lower. I thought it was really cool that the artwork paid homage to the building and the transformation it’s going through.

Chris and Jenna
Chris and Jenna
Chris and Jenna's room
Chris and Jenna’s room

Get Chris & Jenna’s look: Artwork, pendant lights and bedside tables.


It was all about the window in Max and Karstan’s room as there really wasn’t that much else, literally! For a couple so organised, how did they end up with an unfinished room with no wardrobe or blind? Neale liked the simplicity of the room as well as the pendant lights and art but that didn’t take away from the fact that the room was unfinished. I loved the fact that the bed head was framed by a cutout in the wall and thought they made great styling and décor choices. I feel like next week could be their time to shine, what do you think?

Max and Karstan
Max and Karstan

Get Max and Karstan’s look: Bedhead, lamp and artwork.


It was a big week for the boys, Simon and Shannon, who were dubbed ‘the masters of detail’ and brought back the cactus! Neale described their room as having a Scandinavian feel that’s fresh, clean and contemporary. I thought their minimalist room was nice but it felt like it could slot right into Kyle and Kara’s apartment from last year (maybe it’s all that wood?). The boys are definitely perfectionists and have a good eye.

H4 Rm1 S&S Bedroom EA 1

H4 Rm1 S&S Bedroom EA 26

Get Simon and Shannon’s look: Bed, bedside tables and lamps.


And then there was Darren and Deanne’s ‘urban cabin’ as Neale described it. The judges loved the artwork and that Darren and Deanne incorporated so many different textures into the room. I thought they made great styling choices and loved the pillows. I think for week one, considering Darren did all the labour, they had a great finish (despite not having a door).

Darren and Deanne's room
Darren and Deanne’s room

The Block in Melbourne

Get Darren and Deanne’s look: Artwork, pompom cushions and pendant lights.


Shannon and Simon only just took out week one by a single point. To be honest, I thought Michael and Karlene had it by one point but hey, who am I to judge?! Next week looks exciting. It’s main bathroom week which I’m surprised at, as it will be a big challenge considering it’s only week two and the couples are still finding their feet. You don’t want to mess up the main bathroom!

Am I the only one who can’t wait to see them judge each other? The wait is almost over my fellow Blockheads, tomorrow is the night we have been waiting for. The contestants will be judging each other’s rooms and there is $5,000 in prizes up for grabs! Do you think it will change the dynamic of the group? Which was YOUR favourite room this week?

If there’s something you liked that’s not mentioned here, you can find more from all the couples’ rooms at The Block Shop.

Kathryn is our girl on the ground in Melbourne and Block correspondent while Jen and Olivia are overseas (the globetrotters!). You can follow her design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.


By Kathryn Bamford

Long time contributor Kathryn Bamford is a Sydney-based interior designer and co-owner of The Wholefoods Refillery. Follow her adventures on Instagram at @kathryn_bamford