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Get the natural grey look without sacrificing your timber

The trend for grey timber decks is more popular than ever. However, while simply leaving the timber untreated and open to the elements will achieve the grey look, you risk sacrificing the longevity and quality of your timber. So how can you get the gorgeous look without damaging your deck?


Feast Watson’s new Water Repellent Timber & Deck Oil provides the answer. Formulated especially for exterior timber, it is a water-repellent oil with a clear, matt finish that lets the natural beauty of the timber shine through.


What’s special about Feast Watson Water Repellent Timber & Deck Oil is that it will retain the natural colour of the timber, allowing your deck to grey naturally over time without compromising its quality and long life.

In addition to decking, it is also perfect for timber walkways, fences and pergolas and even areas around waterways, where a timber cleaner cannot be used, such as boardwalks.


Getting the desired results with Feast Watson Water Repellent Timber & Deck Oil is simple. Apply two coats, allowing at least two hours between coats for the oil to penetrate the timber. Feast Watson also recommend maintaining the timber every six months to retain the water repellency and protection.

Feast Watson Water Repellent Timber & Deck Oil is available in a 4-litre size for $96.24.

For more information.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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