Interiors Addict

Greg Natale’s new wallpaper collection with Signature Prints

When we hear Greg Natale and wallpaper in the same sentence, of course we get excited! The Sydney interior designer has teamed up with Signature Prints for his new Greco-Roman inspired collection which revisits some old favourites and adds some new designs.


The hand-printed silkscreen wall coverings explore the patterning of stone in both its natural and its worked conditions – each design is a nuanced expression or reinterpretation of how stone was applied in the built environment of the ancient Greeks and Romans.


The Greco-Roman Collection by Greg Natale presents eight designs (Palazzo, Appia, Aquarius, Astoria, Hellenica, Marmaro, Scala and Stucco) that span structured, architectural motifs to more natural, looser patterns that recall the raw state of stone.


Greg has revisited a few of his favourite prints and now reintroduces them – redrawn, perfected and remastered in new colourways. Across the eight designs his palette explores rich navy blues, bold burgundy hues and crisp whites. In places, Signature Prints’ assortment of metallic base papers have been employed, each layered with matte and pearlescent inks, delivering dynamic, light-shifting results.


“So much of what we do in our design studio looks to the past and to the way cultures have decorated before our time,” Greg says. “In my architectural work that often means we can lean into the references we see in Greco-Roman buildings and public spaces.


“With this wallpaper range, I wanted to take some of those man-made motifs and mix them in with nature’s patterns and apply them, in a softer way, to colourful wallcoverings. The range has everything from cobblestone allusions to marble veining to heroic archways. I am excited by the potential for this collection to redefine how we use our walls, or our ceilings, to decorate.”

Available at from 26 August 2020.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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