Expert Tips Interviews Smart Home The Block

Home energy efficiency: Blockheads Josh & Jenna’s tips

There’s no doubt that home energy efficiency is top of mind for many Aussies; rising energy prices, increasing demand for non-renewable energy and environmental concerns are all contributing factors. We caught up with home reno experts, and HPM ambassadors, Josh and Jenna Densten who shared their top five energy efficiency tips to help reduce your household expenses.

Josh & Jenna with their daughter
Josh & Jenna with their daughter

“Aside from the obvious installation of solar panels and water tanks, many everyday Aussies are lost when it comes to making smarter energy savings choices. We believe having a more mindful and energy efficient home is increasingly important, not only because it will help increase the home’s value but investing in the right products upfront will help you save money in the long-term,” says Josh Densten.

Whether you’re a new homeowner required to have a six-star energy efficiency rating or a current homeowner or renter, there are several features that can be applied around the house and garden to minimise your carbon footprint.

Switch to LED lights
On average, lighting in Australian homes consumes 8-15 per cent of the average household electricity budget, or about 6 per cent of its energy use. LED lights are a more energy efficient and eco-friendly option for lighting, and cheaper to run than halogen lights by 80 per cent. LED lights are very long-lasting compared to other lighting, with an average 30,000 hours life expectancy.

HPM downlightHPM use quality components to make their lights even more durable, meaning they are expected to last up to 20 years based on 3-4 hours usage per day. They even have a product (‘MR16 Retrofit Downlight’) that is compatible with many existing halogen transformers and can be easily retrofitted by you at home.

Smart switches
The ability to monitor and reduce our energy consumption is becoming increasingly available, with smart home switches and sockets. With HPM’s ‘Arteor with Netatmo,’ white good appliances and devices like the fridge, aircon, washing machine, dryer, lighting, pool pump, can be monitored through an app. This includes instantaneous power consumption, remote surveillance and control over various functions when the user is out and about.

While you can monitor the connected home in real-time with push notifications like “Home: Living Room light has been left on since 7.15am”, the app also allows for a more long-term analysis of the house or individual appliances.

HPM's 'Arteor with Netatmo' switch
HPM’s ‘Arteor with Netatmo’ switch in action

Cost-effective ceiling fans
In the summer, ceiling fans are a cost-effective alternative to cooling when compared to air-conditioning. In fact, ceiling fans can save you up to 30% on your cooling costs in the summer. On those sweltering summer days, ceiling fans can be used in conjunction with your aircon to help circulate the cool air faster, so there is no need to run it for as long.

During the cooler months, HPM ceiling fans have a ‘winter mode’ that will rotate the blade counter-clockwise at a lower speed. This gentle updraft will essentially help to push the warm air, which naturally rises to the ceiling, down along the walls to the floor to keep everyone in the family snug and comfortable.

Use timers
Remembering to turn off devices can be difficult when you have many other household chores to do. Timers are ideal for magically turning on and off devices like Christmas and garden lights, pool pumps, heaters, fans, heated towel rails and dryers. During those cooler months, timers are great for setting the heater to automatically switch off one hour after going to bed, and to switch on before you wake up!

Commando Generale

Save with sensors
Ideal for bathrooms, pantries, hallways, walk-in wardrobes, garages and around the sides of the house, sensors are a great energy saving light management solution.

The HPM ‘360° PIR Movement Sensor’ system automatically activates light when a doorway is opened or movement is detected, resulting in numerous hours of saved electricity when the area is not in use. By eliminating the possibility of lights being left on when not required, the system has an 80% energy saving rating overall when compared to conventional lighting. Furthermore, the sensors are easy to install, meaning you can do it yourself, saving time, money and the planet!

For more on the HPM range | Stylish lighting tips from The Block’s Josh & Jenna

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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