
7 home styling tips for families

Finding the right balance between style and practicality is a challenge many parents face at some point when it comes to their home interiors. When The Block and Reno Rumble favourites, perennial home renovators and Beaumont Tiles ambassadors, Kyal and Kara, welcomed their first child into the world, they had to come to terms with making some changes to their interior ideas. “Having a baby doesn’t have to mean you need to forgo your personal style and home comforts.  Quite the contrary, you can style your home with baby in tow, and while doing so make your life easier, cleaner and safer,” said Kyal. “It’s amazing how many toys and accessories you accumulate once you have a baby. We became parents last October when Ziya our gorgeous baby boy entered the world. He has definitely made our lives and our home better,” said Kara.

7 home styling tips for families

1. Tiles tiles baby – When choosing finishes for your new home or renovation, remember, tiled floors are a great option with kids.  In addition to being able to stand up to the harsh conditions dealt out by children and their toys, tiles are also much easier to clean when the inevitable spill (or worse) happens.  They are also better than some other forms of flooring when it comes to allergies – an important point to consider when an estimated 20% of children having asthma and 10% have hay fever.

2. Toasty toes – Something to consider for those cooler months ahead is under-tile heating.  It keeps a tiled room warm and is a child-safe option with no exposed heaters so little fingers won’t get burnt.

home styling tips for familiesImage source: Beaumont Tiles

 3. Removable covers – Removable, linen covers for sofas are perfect for families with young children. Relax a little knowing that if covers are soiled, they can be thrown in the wash!

 4. Try to avoid any slips or slides – Bamboo bath or shower floor mats are a great idea for providing a non-slip (and stylishly neutral) surface for little ones to exit the bath or shower.

home styling tips for familiesImage source: Signature Hardware

5. Sticky fingers – When considering your options for kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, matt-finishes are less likely to show fingerprints and marks than high-gloss finishes. Also keep this in mind when selecting tiles for your home.  Definitely something to consider with young curious hands in the house!

6. Online research – With a baby, online research is your new best friend. Instead of pounding the pavement looking at all your options, there are a huge number of home decorating and renovating companies with their products online for you to leisurely look at. Do your research at home, before you head to the shops!

7. Out of arms reach – Floating wall shelves out of little arms reach are a great option for displaying ceramics, small indoor plants and ornaments.  Making the most of vertical wall space has the added benefit of often making a room feel larger.

home styling tips for familiesImage source: Tikspor

Beaumont Tiles is Australia’s biggest retailer of tiles and bathroom. For more information visit

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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